Hey, I’m glad you decided to post in the forum. From what you wrote, it sounds to me like you don’t really want to have an abortion, but you are doing this to appease your boyfriend. Not only that he is convincing you to do something that is illegal in the country that you are in. If you are caught, I have no idea what the ramifications could be. What if you take the drugs and you have to go to the hospital?
The best advice that I can give you is to do what your heart is telling you – be a Stand Up Girl. Stand up for what you want and stand up for the life of your child. Although, all sorts of people deny it, the person that is inside of you really is a human being and deserves to live just as much as you or I do.
Being a mother is scary and it’s not easy, but it is possible. You are not alone. Sometimes when we are at the bottom of a mountain and we look up we become overwhelmed about the amount of work it will take to climb up. However, you will find that as you start taking one step at a time, it becomes manageable and you learn that you can do it. When you think about being a parent, don’t let it overwhelm you. Just take each day and each step at a time. You will be able to make it through this. You will be ok.