need help

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  • #18274

    im 5 mos pregnant and i dont know wat am going to do with this baby. my boyfriend and I always fight,,


    Well hun i’m here to tell you that just bc you and your bf fight all the time isnt a reason to give up your baby…if u dont get along get out and raise the baby by yourself…if u dont want to raise the baby by yourself then even try and make the relationship work and give the baby up for adoption…dont make the baby suffer bc you and your bf cant get along…i hope you think this through and do the right thing for not only you and your bf but for that beautiful new life growing in your womb!!!


    Well, that is stressful.When I was pregnant with my first baby I was completely by myself. It was hard but I think I had more confidence in myself and my future with that pregnancy than I do with my second. I am married this time around and to a wonderful man. Relationships just make things more complex in any situation. How long have you and your boyfriend been together? How does he feel about you being pregnant? My husband and I fight alot too. Pregnancy is stressful on everyone and it doesn’t help that your hormones are going crazy. I will get so mad at my husband sometimes and have no clue why. I’m cranky and my back hurts so everything he does annoys me ha ha. On a more serious note. Remember, this is your baby. You are going to be a mommy. When you are feeling scared or insecure try to concentrate on those litte wiggles and kicks. It will be worth it in the end, no matter what happens with you and your boyfriend.


    Since you are already 5 months pregnant I suggest that you really have a talk with your boyfriend find out if he is going to be there for anything and everything. Thats alot of drama for you to have so just try and figure out what would be best for you and your baby.

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