need help!!

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      My name is Addison and i’m 12 about to be 13. One day when i came home from school i went to my now exboyfriends house. his mom hadn’t came homw from work yet. we wanted to see what sex would be like. so we did. I didn’t like it at all so i made him stop right away. I decided i wasn’t ready. It was really ackwerd and we haven’t talked since. it happened about two months ago and i haven’t had a period since. i have had regular periods since i was 10. i don’t know what to do. I don’t really know anything about sex and pregnancy. All i know is that you get pregnant from having sex and is you don
      t get your period then your pergnant. Can someone help me. like explain some things to me. any help would help. thanks. :blush: :S


        Hey! The first thing you need to do is get a test. You can get one from your local drug store or you can go to your local health department for a free test. Since you haven’t had a period in two months, there is a chance that you might be pregnant. I’m 11 almost 12 weeks pregnant right now and I haven’t had a period. Also, how are you feeling? Are you tired all of the time? Are your breasts more sore and tender than usual? Let me know what symptoms you may have noticed. More importantly, take a test. I wish you the best and please let me and everyone else know what the results are. Good Luck to You!!!!!


          i don’t have any money to get a test. I don’t have a job (i’m only 12) and i don’t have any way of getting to a clinic. But i couldn’t possibly be pregnant, i’m only 12. i’m just confused. can having sex make your period stop? I just don’t understand some things


            Hi Addison, it doesn’t matter how old you are sweety it is still possible you could get pregnant. From the first time you get your period on. A pregnancy test would be the first step because if you are you need to see the dr. and if you are you need to decide what is best for you before it becomes to late. I know how hard it is and how hard and scared you must be being 12, I was 16 when I had my son. Have you talked to your parents about it?? It may sound scary and I know you probably don’t want them to know, but parents can be very helpful.

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