need anwsers tonight please

HOME Hot Topics Girl Zone I Think I’m Pregnant…Now What? need anwsers tonight please

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      i have recently been sick vomiting and vomited up and forgot to take a couple of my pill all up i missed 3pill i only had my period last week but because i havnt had them i have my period again now so do i continue take my normal pills or stop as i have my period im really worried and need help please like now i need to no if i should take them tonight or not. thanks.


        Hey there, it can be really hard to keep track of birth control…even when you take it “perfectly” there is still a chance of becoming pregnant so when you are ill, forget pills, take other medications, etc, it can increase the failure risk of the birth control, what I would recommend is that you completely abstain from having sex at least until you see your doctor and get yourself situated and know for sure that you are not pregnant, it would be best to just chose to remain abstinent until you are married and ready for children….go ahead and make an appointment to see your doctor and discuss any cares or concerns you have….Love Meg

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