need advice please!

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    heya, please will someone help, what is the best time to go abroad while you are pregnant. me and my bf are thinking of having a baby but my mom has booked a holiday in october and its about a 5 hour flight and i need to no when we could start trying to have a baby because i dont wana hurt are baby or anything whilst in on the flight, i will be very pleased if someone could get back to me about this. thanks.


    a doctor will let you this–> when ur preg travel were you are sitting for a long time is not good unless you can stop and get up and walk around (this is because when ur preg you can get clots in ur legs very easily and not moving ur legs for long periods of time makes the chance of getting clots higher) and if it’s a flight the don’t allow women 7 months or futher along to fly because of the risk that they could go into labor in flight…..i hope this helps…..


    as far as im aware i think it is fine to fly, its the late stages of pregnancy when u cant fly. my sister went away to the maldives which is a very long flight when she was 5 months pregnant and that was fine.

    so i dont think you have anything to worry about


    heya, ye thanx you have both helped me, at least i no that im not going to be hurting my baby. luv xbethx

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