Need advice bout boyfriend!! Please

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    Long story short. I left my bf/baby daddy bout a month ago I was happy doing fine getn my life together but he kept blowing my phone up his mom was too. Then one day he said he was gana shoot his self so I agreed to go eat with him and talk. ack with him cuz he said he wood change. But hes sliping back into were we was b4 I love him but im not in love with him anymore. He did it to hiself. Idk wat do do. Will he shoot his self if I leave 4good. :dry: Ugh…… Help me :dry:


    If it’s hard to consider the situation, think of your baby and not the father. Please think of what will be best for your baby to grow up with and the role models you want your child to see. If he is willing to get help and really change, maybe it is the right thing to stick by his side, love, and support him. Sometimes love means choosing to care for that person. If it will be dangerous for your child (physically, emotionally….), then he it is not a good idea. Do not let his threats make the decision. That would be making a decision out of fear….and really what he does with his life is what HE does, not you. You must make your own decisions and live with those, so do what is right yourself and that is the best you can do. Prayers and blessings.

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