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  • #14631

    I just want to tell you teen mothers something…
    1. Is your mom not happy because you are pregnant?
    2. Is your boyfriend mad and telling you that you planned this pregnancy?
    3. Are friends running away?
    4. Is your family telling to get an abortion or give your baby up for an adoption?

    If yes then I can tell you what…don’t listen to your mom or whoever is saying that you can’t raise a baby,or give it up fo and adoption or saying that you will be having an abortion. Don’t listen to them! all they want to do is to turn you down!
    I’m not trying to tell you keep your baby but I want you to listen to your heart. Do what you want.
    And I think that abortion is not a solution. Don’t kill that star that you and your boyfriend made. That star was given to you for a reason!
    And you can take care of it, love it, protect it, and hold it tight in your arms.
    Whatever you do I would just like to say you can raise that baby.
    You have someone new in your life!
    I hope that it goes good!
    Take care ++ good luck with your new angel B)

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