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  • #14350

    heyy..i neeed some advice….i live in toronto, ontario..and my bf moved to edmonton, alberta about 1 month and a half ago..n tomorrow im goin there..i have all my luggage packed at my friends house..ive slowly been bringin my clothes in little bags..and now im finally done.i leave tomorrow at 4pm…and im scared of wut my parents are gona do bcuz i love him..and hes sayin how he wants to get married..he lives wit his parents and they kno im coming..and they dont mind..but the thing that im worreid about is my parents they are really protective..i asked them as a joke about 2 months ago wut they wud do if i went and they said they would call the police..and i was shocked but i am 16 and hes 17 and he wants to gett married his parents said they would sign if we were really sure about it..and there is also a chance i might b pregnant..but im not sure yet bcuz i have been gettin my juss gettin really bad pains in my tummy..and my lower bakk and alotta dizzyness..and ive been really tired..i duno wut it is but as soon as i get there im guna get juss scared of my parents..and wut they might do..i also have a sister that is 6 months old n shes tooo cutte i dun wana leave her =(..but at the same time im so excited..any advice??????


    theres only one year difference! Your both a legal age…you love each other thats the main thing right? i have a two year old baby brother but as much as i love the little fellow if i could spend every day with my man and get married with him with just his parents being alright i could do it! if you truthfully love him than go for it your family will always be there for you your little sis will deff want to stay in touch just make sure you dont miss too much of her growing up and make the send pics! they cant do anything once your married can they? So i say go for it…well follow your heart! hope i helped good luck love xxxxxxx


    Would your parents have you back home if they found out you ran away with no explaination?

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