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    Hey, everyone. I’m 16 and I really want a baby of my own. I am wondering if I should go ahead and try to get pregnant or if I should wait until I gratuate from HS. If you could give some advice I could really use some.


    Well I think that you should look at why you want a baby. If its to feel loved all the time. Or to make your parents angry. Well they problably r not good reasons to have a baby. Plus think about this if you go and have a baby what will you be missing out on? You wont be abel to go to the mall when ever. You will have responsabilitys. You will have to get up when the babys up for 2 in the morning feedings. they cry poop and r a lot of money. How will you suport the baby. You cant allways rely on ur parents.Think about it!
    Ashlee 🙂


    babygirl, please wait until u finish school, u have your whole life to plan to have kids, grown up and enjoy yourself, enjoy your life, when you have kids they become your life, if it happens by accident then you deal. other than that wait until you are old enough to take care of yourself.


    Oh baby girl…. You want a child…. I would recommend that you wait. First the finance…. Having children is money…. and being 16 are you ready for that???? Wait, for the betterment of your child and for times when you can be stressed and all that jazz…. Have fun enjoyin’ yourself, and life before you go there…


    you should really wait you are way to young
    im 17 and 7 months pregnant and i feel like i am way to young for this
    i wish i could of had more fun


    i think you should wait… its a big responsibility… its nothing to go rush into… why do you really want a baby now… think about it… when you ahve that baby thats all you are going to have time for… i think you should wait… i am 18 in college and pregnant and i dont know if i am even ready B)


    please wait dont get pregnant
    im pregnant at 17 and i feel i am way to young


    you should wait till you get out of HS it is really hard


    Hello. Upon reading your post, it really caught my attention. My advice to you, is well you should really WAIT til your done having "fun" in your life. You may love being around kids, and you may want to have a kid right now but once a child is apart of your life, things change. You don’t have as much freedom as you do now. For an example: All your friends are going out to a really hot party — but for you question whose gonna watch your kid? your mom and dad? Hmm… lets get real… now a days a lot of teenagers who are having kids depend on their parents to take care of their grandkids. Would you want your kid doing the same thing thing to you? Once your kids are grown … you start all over with having a new born around? Having a kid isn’t easy. It gets expensive as well. But, if you really want a kid… Think about this: Who is going to watch your kid while your finishing high school/college. Who is going to wake up every 1-2 hours when your baby is hungry? All the expenses for baby clothes/food/diapers?


    I agree with all of them!


    hey i think that u should at least wait until u garduate from high school

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