Need advice!!!

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    Okay so I have a two year old and wood love to hav anotjer baby. I love being a mommy! My hubby dnt want amother one til my son is n school. But my friends(who are mothers too) say to go ahead and have wat u want so they want b to far apart in age! Im not saying I want another rite now but I wood love to jus see wat god gives us! I dnt no wat to twll my hubby we have talked about it and he always turns it into a joke amd laughs and says he jus needs his lil boy. Any advice???!!! :huh:


    I would definitely make sure you and your husband are on the same page about things. It might be hard to wait, but no need for added stress if you can help it. Maybe you can write things down so you can just read your husband your thoughts and really get out what your thinking and how you feel without him interrupting. He still may not be for it in the end, but at least you can feel like you really got to share your heart and get your feelings about it all out on the table!

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