My Story, I need some Hope

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      Hey girls.
      I am 16 years old and I live in ontario, canada. I am as you are reading this 8 months pregnant. it has been so emotionally hard on me and my family, for the baby’s father lives far away and told me he wanted to be involved and then at 6 months decided he wasn’t ready and it was not his. I honestly have had times where i feel like i cant go on and i feel like dyeing, im not over exagerrating. i think about my life and how nobody is going to want me because i’ll have a kid and how much i am going to struggle with my baby as he (the father) lives a great life. I neeed some support or a story of hope or something to show me that im going to be okay. I am in tears and at odds everyday because it hurts knowing that the babys father doesnt want to see or know or enjoy the life that he helped create. I really feel liek i cant go on and i know i have made it this far, and i have so many dreams and goals for myself but sometimes all thiss stuff just gets to me. it hurts and im scared im going to do something stupid that ultimately may cost me something great. please help any support/advice is greatly appreciated. Thank you. 🙁 🙁


        First of all, I would like to tell you congratulations on the baby and that you made the decision to choose life. I am 46 years old so I am not going to tell you I know how you feel. I do know that it is hard. Once you see your child for the first time and you know that little life is depending on you, some how you fing the strength to go on. My ex-husband walked away when my daughter was 2 1/2 months old. I was 27 at the time. I thought there was no way I could ever raise this child on my own and give her everything that she needed. I am not going to tell you that it was easy. It was’nt. I had little help from my family and no help from his family. I struggled day to day just to give her what she needed. I ate a lot of bologna sandwiches and gave up a lot of things that I was used to like getting my hair fixed, going to movies, eating out, etc. I also thought that no one would want me because I have a child. When she was three years old I met the love of my life. He had two children of his own. He raised my daughter as his own. That was sixteen years ago. We are still together and recently welcomed our first granddaughter. The moral of the story is never give up. Just know that you are SOMEBODY and YOU matter. Don’t give up on that. I wish you well. I know this is a very difficult time in your life.
        Happy Grandma


          I know how you feel as i am 18 and 6 and a half months pregnant. Believe me though, there wiill be guys who will want to be with you, and any who dont are not worth your time. i am sorry you are having such a hard time with the babies father. try not to stress too much. i do and its not worth it. i know it is hard but try to think in a month or less your baby will be born!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! keep your head up hun and i hope things get better for you!


            [size=3][size=4][color=#0000FF]Hey girlie! Well honestly i dont have a success story cuz i myself am going thru the same thing you are! I am 17 and 7 1/2 months prego. All i can tell u is hang in there! I know EXACTLY how you feel, honestly. I am still with the babys father, BUT our relationship is not too good.We fight a lot and he really makes me feel that he doesnt care. Every time i cry to him and tell him how i feel he yells and says why are you crying this time! I honestly dont feel loved by him! I had to quit cheerleading, something i was very good at, and that has really had a toll on my emotions. i miss it so much its not funny. I take it day by day,ya know? Sometimes i just feel like dieing too and just giving up! Then when i think about how i let my dad down, that really hurts me…A LOT! but you will make it, u and i both. Of course it will be much more difficult but your child will only give you motivation! I do cry a lot in the night to myself but then i come to think of who will be here in just 10 more weeks..MY Son! This is a quote that i just love"if God brought you to it, he’ll bring you through it." But trust me you are not the only one going thru the sadness and difficulty. But if u wanna talk or whatever, my e mail is But yeah girl, you will get through all the rough times!


              hope is what comes from inside out…..

              Think of how brave you are to face all this on your own, don’t be sad about any of it, I live in British Columbia and there are so many programs to get young moms through school, dont worry.

              And the dad is probably scared about where his life is headed just like you are right now, thats how it happened for me, but I am happy that I chose to not let that get me down and I worked on, and evrything has worked itself out, like it was suppose to be.

              You had enough strength to decided to keep this baby so you have enough scregth to pull through this, and people will still want to be with you even if you have a baby, and that narrows out the bad ones that would bail if you had another with them, right.

              Life is all about belief, believe that in the end you will end up where you were always meant to be, and that everything does happen for a reason, and fate will take you there, as long as you hold in there.



                Well done girls, these are awesome advice. I completly agree with all of you. I am a strong believer that nothing happens for no reason and that every bad experience eventually turns into something positive. It might take a while (months, years) but in the end, it’s always for the best. You may have a difficult beginning but hang in there and it will clear up. You may have to postpone some dreams but don’t let them go; there will be time later to take on things you have always wanted to do.Thinking of suicide is not a solution. It may feel like no one cares about you right now and that you would not be missed but you could not be anymore wrong. You are unique and there are people out there who love you unconditionally. These people will be there for you no matter what. You can and should rely on them. They may be parents, aunts, uncles, friends or even neighbors. Open your eyes and look around yourself. You are not alone.Life is a series of obstacles. Some of these obstacles may look like they are impossible to jump over. Remember: if you can’t jump over them, wait a little until you find enough strength to jump over. Never stay behind. Always go forward at your own pace. You can do it. You will come out of this a better and stronger person. Look at all these anwers your email has generated: we all have faith in you.

                A friend of mine got pregnant at 18 and the father denied everything. She had the same fears you are having right now. She is now a proud mother of 4 children and the proud wife of a good husband who took her first daughter under his wing (they married when she was 25). She finished her school in time to become a nurse and is now working full time and enjoying a gratifying married life.

                Feel free to email me anytime you wish, even if it is just to chat about nothing when you feel lonely. I have a lot of funny stories and pictures to share!
                Big hugs.


                  All i have to say is that you just need to stay strong. If the guy has the nerve to say that you then he is not worth the time. I dont really know what your going through..but then again i might sometime in the near future. Im 15 and I lost my virginity about a month and a half ago. and we didnt use protection. I did get a period, but it wasnt normal. It consisted of a really heavy day and then practically nothing the next couple of days. I have also been nausiated a lot lately. maybe just because of stress. but who knows. and i told the guy i lost it to and the first thing he said to me was "Well it looks like im going to have to punch you in the stomach if you are" and i knew then that he was not going to help at all. I mean even if im not pregnant just knowning that if i was and he was going to have nothing to do with it from day 1 was a total put down. I was so hurt. but i havent taken a pregnancy test. Im honestly scared to death. Im sitting here in tears as i type this. and i just feel alone, but there is hope, hope for me, and hope for you. You will do just fine. Your baby is the most important thing at the momment. and whether you have his support or not isnt going to change the fact that you are going to have a child. I will pray for you. You are a brave girl, and i know support means everything at the momment. and all i have to say is stay strong and never loose hope, because that could only make things worse.


                    hey there,
                    I kind of stubbled onto this website, and i went over your letter. My situation is a little differant than yours but hopefully it will help you. I grew up in Salt Lake City, Utah and now My husband and I live in Price, Utah. and am 22 years old.
                    We have one son, and another baby on the way. Im not going to pretend that I know exactly what you are going through because I dont. But I feel that I can give you some uplifting advise. When I was pregnant the first time it was very unexpected and we werent in the best financial state. I was very scared that we werent going to be able to afford everything he would need. But on the other hand I was in love with this baby already. You have no idea how much you will love your baby the minute you see her. You feel things that you have never felt before. You arent living for just yourself now your baby needs you and you have to be there for your baby. My son is the most precious thing to me. When you have your baby I promise you will be so happy and no matter how upset your family is they will love your baby to. I hope this email helped a little, please write back.


                      Hi Girls, I would just liek to say thank you all so much for your responses to my email, i wrote "my Story, I need some Hope", honestly it has helped me more than any of you girls will kno. I was very very upset and then I came on here and read these messeges and was so very grateful that all of you girls had room in your hearts to respond to a complete strangers email. I would liek to say that I am so excited for my little girl and I will have pictures up as soon as possible of her and me. Somehow i know that me and her are going to be okay, evn when i think therez noway i always think of that slight hope. So girls thank you all so very very much it meant sooo much to me! You dont even kno! Thanks Love you all! C.B.


                        I just want to let you know that you are going to make it through this. I am a mother of a 2 year old little girl at the age of 21, and I am honestly very happy. I won’t say that all of the times with your new baby are going to be sunshine and easy, but the moment that you hold your baby for the first time, you will see that everything is going to be o.k. and you will love your baby unimaginably. It is a shame that the father does not want to be in your child’s life, but just leave it at that. Don’t let him bring you down and stress you out, because with being pregnant, stress is the last thing you need. Don’t think that just because you have a child that no one is going to want you either. There is someone out there for everyone, you just have to wait for him. Just in the meantime, take care of you and your baby, and enjoy the life that you created, because I promise, there is nothing like it in the whole world. You will be o.k. just know that. I will pray for you.


                          Hey Girls! Wow was it a mission trying to get back onto this site. I forgot my password for that account(Mommyat16) but I really wanted to respond/touch base with how lifes been since my last post.
                          Well, I had my miracle! Mid-August of 06′! Having My Daughter changed my life in ways that people could never ever imagine. This little girl has brought out the very best in me, shes taught me how to be strong even when you dont think you can gather any strength, and how to laugh at absolutlely nothing just to laugh, and most of all shes made me want to live and love life to the fullest. And Yes, It is just me and my beautiful angel, the “father” is not involved. Life is complete though, because as many of you had given me advice, a MAN does not and will not make you happy, because that ladies, is all on you. This site has always been and will always be a site to find hope when you cant seem to find it yourself, all of you ladies on here are beautiful, strong women who need to know that Life, will be okay! I can never ever thank you all enough, you truly and honestly helped me in so many ways.
                          Im 19 years old now, yes Im still young but have accomplished so much with my beautiful little girl cheering me on. I graduated from high school on time! Was awarded 2 scholarships and attented College. All of this I did knowing I had my miracle helping me through it day by day. I love you so much, you truly changed my life and for that princess, I could never ever thank you enough.
                          A mission Im on right now is to help young girls who are in similar situations that I was once was or am still in.. I feel its a duty to help people who you know first hand need help as much as you did.
                          So please DO NOT hesitate to ask or rant or just vent to me, Im here to help.
                          I promise.. it will be okay!
                          Always and Forever,
                          aka DreamBig. xoxo

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