My Story

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  • #18151
    New Mommy

    Well to start out, I am 15 years old. I am with my amazing fiance. We have been together for over three years, and we have been engadged since december of 2005.We have also been trying to have a kid for about a year now. OUr first sucsess, didnt turn out the way we planned, at 2 months i had a m/c and we were devastated. So just recently almost a year later, we decided to try again. And it happened, I am now 4 weeks and 5 days along. Now the telling my parents part, well i was a very active teen. I play varsity sports, and am a 4.0 student. My parents see alot in my future, but i only see me being a mom. So the first time i was pregnant i told my mom, and she freaked out, she took me to the abortion clinic cuz thats what she wanted me to get, but i refused. So im not sure if i want to tell her again just yet. I am also scared to set up an app. because of insurance purposes. All i have to say, is i hope this baby stays with me, so wish me the best of luck!!


    i hope you give birth to a beautiful healthy baby..
    i know what its like to long for a baby, best wishes…


    Good luck. Cause you are going to need it. 🙂


    Well I hope everything goes how you want it to, and that you have everything you need to be comfortable with a new baby!
    take care!!

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