My Story

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  • #17217

    My name is Katie and I am 16 years old. I’ll start with the night when it happened. My parents weren’t home so I invited a few friends over. At the time I was 15 and got into drinking. So while there was a few people over, I got out the alcohol. That was the biggest mistake made. One of my friends who were over called a friend over and I ended up with several people at my house, I didn’t mind though. I welcomed them in and a boy walked in who I had my eye set on for about a year, He had a girlfriend though, so I layed off… Until this night. He had always been interested in me and he told me that him and his girlfriend had broken up. So that night we ened up having sex and the condom broke, but I thought nothing of it. After that night, I tried calling him several times and he never answered my calls. Oh well, I thought…. Until a few weeks later when I was a week late and had a positive pregnancy test. I was always the perfect daughter and my parents would never think that I would do this to myself, but I did so I took responsibility and told them. They were more supportive than I ever believed they would be. So I knew this guy’s brother because he was my soccer coach last year. I gave him a call and told him to have his brother call me and I told him why. I still didn’t hear from the guy, but his brother told me if I ever needed anything to call. I did end up getting a call from the guy a few weeks later, after I found out he was 18, not 17 like I thought, he dropped out of school, and he was still with his girlfriend at the time. He called me yelling at me because people found out about it. It’s not like it’s going to be a big secret. He yelled at me for telling people and then begged me to get an abortion. I had already thought about my options and abortion was out of the question for me. Anyways… After that call we haven’t talked. His brother has been calling me every now and then to check up on me, and his mom and sister want to talk to me and get things cleared up I guess. This is already very hard on me just knowing I’m going to be a single mom, but I have my parents backing me up 100% and letting me know everything will be okay. I am still planning on finishing high school [2more years after this one] and going to college. I know it will be the hardest thing in my life, but I guess you have to trust that everything will turn out fine.


    I am very proud of you for taking responsibility for your actions and for admitting your wrong…it is really hard to do that…I am also glad that your parents are backing you up….somtimes we make mistakes and we do things that we know are wrong but God is always faithfull to work them for good…this guy may be a jerk and has dropped out of the picture but it sounds like his family might end up being supportive so that will be good for the baby 🙂 well my heart my love and my prayers are with you…Meg


    wow, haha thats what i have to say! i am 18 and am 5 months along…my bf is with me and we have been together for 2 years. You are brave, stay that way! thats really awsome though that your parents are staying behind you but i guess when it comes down to it, you are their kid, and will always be…think if your kid has this happen to them someday you know. my parents were the same way i thought they were going to kill me. well if ya need ta talk bout nething you can talk to me…im trying to make some friends on here bc ppl i am friends with now really dont quite get it ya know.


    Hi, Katie!

    I’m so proud of you and I know your parents are as well. It’s sad that you had to make the mistake with the alcohol but we all do things like that. I’m a bit happy that the baby’s father’s family is showing a bit support at this point. I guess they know how much the guy can really handle or not handle. Try to work with them also because it seems, from the little you’ve told us here, that they are a bit levelheaded. You also have to remember that they are part of your baby’s family.

    Take care of yourself. Right now there is still much difficulty that can happen. Hold your parents’ hands and you can get through this together. Be calm about this and stick to the principles taught you by your parents and you and your baby will be fine.



    : ) What a nice story! It does sound a bit like mine. I mean… I was the perfect daughter to my parents too and then gave them the biggest dissapointment of their life by being pregnant. Of course it was hard for them at first but after the first three months or so, they were also suppourting me 100%. Now I had my daughter 9 days ago and they are the happiest and proudest grandparents in the world, I also do not talk to the dad anymore, he is a jerk. Girl, I am making it without him and let me tell you… I am so glad that I am a single parent and just think you can make all the decisions by yourself, without having him in the way… you dont have to worry about him cheating or not being there all the time… you can pick the name out yourself and always hold her/him in YOUR arms… it is so much better without the guy around… at this age… trust me! Besides guys our age are too immature anyway and will probably go breaking your heart anyway… and you dont need that when you are having a baby! You will pull thtough with it girl, trust me, especially if you have your parents suppourt! Good luck!!!


    : ) What a nice story! It does sound a bit like mine. I mean… I was the perfect daughter to my parents too and then gave them the biggest dissapointment of their life by being pregnant. Of course it was hard for them at first but after the first three months or so, they were also suppourting me 100%. Now I had my daughter 9 days ago and they are the happiest and proudest grandparents in the world, I also do not talk to the dad anymore, he is a jerk. Girl, I am making it without him and let me tell you… I am so glad that I am a single parent and just think you can make all the decisions by yourself, without having him in the way… you dont have to worry about him cheating or not being there all the time… you can pick the name out yourself and always hold her/him in YOUR arms… it is so much better without the guy around… at this age… trust me! Besides guys our age are too immature anyway and will probably go breaking your heart anyway… and you dont need that when you are having a baby! You will pull thtough with it girl, trust me, especially if you have your parents suppourt! Good luck!!!


    wow, must hae been rough how did you tell your folks?

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