My story……………

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    WELL i found out I was pregnant @ 9 weeks and now Im 16weeks. I am still w/ the baby father but Im not living w/ him so im kinda doing it alone. Right now he works Alot! And barely has time for me ,I it gets better. My parents have finally come aroud and are getting excited about their first grandchild. I am also starting to get really excited! I have another ultrasound in 2 weeks , I hope we get to determine the sex of the baby . Any one else find themselves in some of the same situations? Please share.Thanx Alot!


    hey girl, my name is Sarah, I’m 14 and almost in the 36th week. I almost all of us on here are in the same situation. All young and pregnant. But whats different with me is that I’m not with the dad anymore…LONG story! My parents are also really excited about their first grandbaby, especially my momma. I’m having a girl who I’m naming Isabella Ann. When u go get the ultrasound to determine the baby’s sex, just make sure they show u the part to give u the reassurance that it really is what they say it is! : )


    Hey im in the same situation, Im 25 weeks pregnant with my son, me and my boyfriend are together bu not livin 2gether, he works nights so i only really see him weekends. . . . . I fell alone sumtimes bu i know im not an i know he loves me alot. . . .Keep ur head up an b strong. . . . . . .Wot u hoping for a boy or a girl????? good luck luff luff xxxxxxxx


    im hoping for a girl


    If its a gitl her name is going to me Rayah Ann


    i started out the same as the other girls, but we got married back in feb. and we are doing good, i’m 29wks 6days (30wks tomorrow!!) and our baby boy is due june 8th…..

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