okay well i’ve posted before about this sorta.. but last night and the night before my babys dad keeps breaking up with me, yelling at me telling me how horriable i treat him, when he expects me to have sex with him, expects me to cuddle, and kiss, when i stay with him he expects me to get the baby during the night when he crys.. and gets angry when i tickle him, or ask him to deal with the baby, or something.. hes never hit me… but he yells so much, and curses at me, and when i beg him to stop he wont.. we were supost to get married in july, and move intogether.. but the apartment he was supost to get two months ago.. fell down the drain because he spent almost 2000 dollars on his car.. that we were saving for our own place! i just dont know what to do.. my parents wont pay for my medical and im on their insurance.. they wont give me my medical insurance information so i cant go to the denist for my wisdom teeth that is causing prob lems with my jaw. so i figured once i was married i would deal with my own insurance though the state, and get all that fixed but i cant do that since were nto getting married, but she wont take care of me.. i dont know what to do, i would be better on my own seriously.. :Tears: i just dont know what to do or what i can do.