My Period is 15 Days Late!

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    My periods have been irregular, but never this much. The end of my last period was 11/11, and it is now 45 days sence then. So I think my period is about 15 days late, but I am not completely sure. My boyfriend and I have had unsafe sex anywhere inbetween.
    One week after my period I had light bleeding for about three days,(( 11/20-11/22)) … So I got a test, not thinking it would come out positive and it didnt. Around 11/27-12/4 I noticed that my brests had began to get larger, but nothing else really. I then began to feel alittle different, but nothing too drastic, just more headaches. I expected my period to come around 12/11, but I never did, so I went and took a test right away (that came out negative), so I took another one that next morning (and it also came out negative). I waited another week (12/18) and decided to tell my mom, who went out and got a test that should tell you 6days sooner, that came out negative too. I am kinda nervous to take another test but it has been a week since that last test.
    My symptoms right now are: Thursty!!, Headaches, nausea (only at night), calmer then normal (if that can be a symptom?), and more frequent restroom breaks.
    Can anyone help me please?? I dont kknow what to do!!


    Hey! So this has been a while since you wrote, but how are things going with you now? I’m sure you know by now if you had been/are pregnant? What happened, and were you able to find help?

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