my girlfrind is preg

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  • #18187

    [size=4][color=#9A9C02]Well my story is that my girlfriend is pregnant 8weeks&&4days gone..her mum nos but my gran dont no yet to scared to tell her but me and my girlfriend is going to do it on Saturday..her mum wants us to get rid of it but we ent told her we want it yet..we have tried so many times for a baby and how we go its coming 😉 she is 14 i’15 so young but we love each other so much and want this baby..we have been up and down with it but we are happy what we are doing together and just hope everything tuner’s out all right…well people this is my story.. i just hope i can get though this satruday telling my gran about the baby…
    if ya wanna no why i’m telling my gran i got kicked out of my hate my mum and step dad! NEVER EVER let a step dad rule your own kid girls please do it for me never ever want a kid being bought up like i did believe me!
    wells that all i got to say girls&&boys thank yu[/color][/size]


    I think that you are doing the right thing keeping your baby. Im 25 almost 26 weeks and im also 15 and me and my man love are baby boy so much. I know that you will love your baby to but she need to get to a Dr like asp. IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU


    your a wonderful man your sticking with your girl theres so many men alot older than you that run like lil kids i bel you should def keep your baby n i hope it goes good when you tell your grandma shell probaly be pproud that your staying with the mom i would be if i was your grandma good luck keep us posted n congrats to you n your gf


    First thing i have to say is Congratulations… do not let anybody persuade you into not having this baby… an abortion is a cruel way but miss carraige is worse. i had a misscarriage 2 weeks ago.. worst thing that happened… i suffered depression the lot.. i would have done anything for this baby.. you should stand tall and be a proud man that you are sticking with your girl and her baby because believe me i rekon all the girls on this site are proud that one more boy has stuck with there girl when shes fell pregnant… remember its YOUR decision for this baby… do NOT let anybody else make it.


    You’re a wonderful man to stick by her. It takes a male to impregnate a girl, it takes a man to step up to the responsibility. Its not an easy road — or so ive heard, me being a girl, i wouldnt know — but I really admire you for what youre doing. Keep that spirit alive!:)

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