My ectopic Preg experience

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    Hi my names laura im 24 and i have 2 kids 4/6

    I Wanted to share my story of my ectopic pregnancy with all u ladies so :dry:
    I had the coil fitted after i had my daughter as that was the only form of contraception i cud have (long story) i was also still with my kids dad then july last year i started seeing sum 1 else i didnt worrie about getting pregnant as id had the coil in for for 3-4 yrs but in october i went to the doctors because i had been bleeding for 12 days and been in a lot of pain she did a preg test and it was positive! i was mortified as i wasnt really in a serious relationship and that i was bleeding n guessed i must be misscarring i didnt have a clue that i cud b preg bcuz i hadnt missed a period but when i look bck my periods wernt normal as they were lighter n not as long and i had preg symptoms cravings sore boobs discharge n was emotional but i put that down 2 things goin on at the time any way i went home frm the doctors very up set and in a lot of pain in the end that day i went to AE at the hospital where after a while and them takin blood tests to check the level of hormone they realise i must have an ectopic but werent sure so they admited me and i had a scan the nxt day when i had the scan they said there was nothing in my womb which was very scary 2 here so she did a internal scan a found out my left tube looked enlarged so ectopic pregnancy it was i was rushed to the operating therter and when i came round frm the op i was told i had had 2 have my left tube removed as i was 10 wks pregnant and the baby was growing in my tube so i was very lucky it hadnt ruptured as it cud have stoped my having kids all 2gether or killed me i was in shock and cudnt really take it all in as it felt like 5 mins ago i had been told i was preg i was single at this point goin through it alone but had my family 2 support me luckily it was the worst experience of my life i cant have the coil again and wudnt reckomend any one else does but every one is different i am in a long term relationship now and have been trying for a baby for the past 5 months im really worried i wont concieve having just 1 tube but i was told my other tube is healthy.
    Wud love to hear from any of u who have one tube and have still concieved
    im thinkin i cud b preg as i had only a 3 day light period last month had a preg test yesterday but negative not due on till the 16th march though have all the symptoms but keep thinkin im amagining things xxLauraxx:dry: :dry:


    I had an ectopic in 2002 but mine ruptured and i lost tube and overy but went on to have my daughter it took a bit longer to get pregnant again (6 months)
    we have been trying for baby no 2 but no joy so far fingers crossed it wont take much longer…so dont worry it will happen just relax and enjoy:P


    That would have been a hard thing to deal with. I hope the reasults turn out what u expect but dont get too excited because if the test comes out negative again you will be down……Just keep trying!


    mac10sr wrote:

    I had an ectopic in 2002 but mine ruptured and i lost tube and overy but went on to have my daughter it took a bit longer to get pregnant again (6 months)
    we have been trying for baby no 2 but no joy so far fingers crossed it wont take much longer…so dont worry it will happen just relax and enjoy:P

    :woohoo: Thanks for your reasuring words i so hope it does happen and for u 2 keep me posted xxlauraxx

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