Well im 25 weeks pregnant an i feel a bit crappy, i feel low tierd an irratible it sucks cuz i dont even know y i feel the way i do :huh:
I am also having pains in my belly button :blink: They really hurt its like hsarp an lasts quite a while. . . I got an opointment with the midwife in a week so i can ask her bu in the mean while i was jus wondering if any1 else is goin thru any sypmtoms similar to mine??
Being that the pain is around your belly button, you could have a hernia and not even realize it. There are so many odd aches and pains during pregnancy, it’s hard to say though. Let us know what the midwife says. Take care.
I remember being huge and pregnant but with two kids the grouchy part doesnt go away!!!! LOL I had alot of pain in my belly button when my tummy was all huge and stretched out…still check with your midwife but I think you will be fine :)…Meg
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