My Beautiful baby boy!

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      I know many girls don’t feel that your boyfried will stay and it is all your fault. girls need to realize that it is not your fault and that it takes two people to be pregnant. Don’t worry so much about what your partner is going to say. After all he could have used protection but chose not too. Anyways, I was with my boyfriend for a year before I got pregnant. Things got extremely rocky and eventually we ended up taking a few months break. We did get back together and everything has been wonderful. You and your boyfriend are going to be stressed out and scared. But don’t throw it away because your scared. My boyfriend of 3 years is now my husband and our little boy is 19 months old. We live in a beautiful apartment and he has a great job so I get to stay at home with my little boy. Just because you are a young parent doesn’t mean you can’t make your life great!!! You can achieve anything! You Can get a great job and if your boyfriend does leave you, you WILL find someone who will love you and your baby with all of your heart. Not all guys are heartless, I promise…. Anyways, I hope this gave a little nudge of inspiration.




        Well said!
        I too, am going to be a young mother. I’m 20 years old and in an abusive relationship. Its very hard coping with everything being 9 weeks pregnant. I dont want to lose my baby.
        I know he wont leave me, he ‘loves’ me. But I will be the one leaving him pretty soon. He may put up a good fight, but I know that in the end I will win, and later on find someone who respects and loves me.
        Kae, I wanted to add that there are so many girls out there that abort their babies because of boyfriend stress, and they want to please him… When you become pregnant, it’s time to be selfish and do whats right. No man should ever be worth more than your baby.

        I’ts very nice reading positive postings.
        Take care of yourself, and your little one.


          Thank you for your reply!!!

          So many guys start getting abusive towards their pregnant girlfriends/wives. You DESERVE to be HAPPY. your baby deserves a peaceful family. There are many guys that are out there that will be so willing to love you, be sweet to you, love your baby like their own. People don’t ever think so but I promise there are a million of them out there. Take care of yourself. You and your baby are going to do wonderful. I’ll be praying and thinking about yall =)
          Kae 🙂

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