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February 4, 2007 at 3:50 pm #14944
Participanthey ppl i had my daughter on january 25th, at 6:22 pm.. here is my birth story if anyone has any interest in reading it =)
hey everyone.. i just layed my princess down for a nap, and figured id write a blog about my labor and birth experience just for anyone who is interested, or for some of my pregnant friends so they can have an idea what to expect…
Wednesday night (24th) me and my husband went to the hospital to get cytotec put in to ripen my cervix for my induction the following morning.. as he was falling asleep on the couch, i got a saline lock (where they put an iv tube in and tape it in place for later) and was hooked up to fetal monitors to measure lillys heartrate and movements before they put in the cytotec. thirty min or so later, my nurse came bak in and put a quarter of the pill in. and it HURT cuz he had to put it all the way back. he told me i cudnt move from my back and gave me two ambiens so i culd hopefully sleep. a few min after, i started getting bad contractions radiating from my back all the way to the front. i thought it was normal so i didnt call the nurse in for two hours. i just layed there n suffered and the sleeping pills didnt help me to sleep at all. i finally called the nurse in and they told me the meds were hyperstimulating my uterus(making it contract way too much) as my contractions were only a min or less apart. they told me they wouldnt give me the second dose but wud just hope the first one worked n id still b induced in the morning. i was scared cuz i knew if ur cervix isnt thinned out when ur induced u have a higher risk of a c section and that was the last thing i wanted. i got stadol for the pain and it made me feel really drunk and i fell asleep for an hour or so. the nurse came bak in and gave me more, i fell asleep for about another hour. the cytotec was supposed to wear off after 4 hours or so, and to my shock they cheked me and i hadnt progressed at ALL even with all the nasty contractions i was having. my contractions were still coming after it wore off, so i guess it did do something good, it kicked me off into labor on my own. my ob came in at around 8 am and checked me again. i went from 30-50% effaced to 80% and 2 cm all within a few hours (the cytotec wasnt started till about 2 or 3 am) a nurse pressed down on my stomach as my ob broke my water, she had to try a few times and i screamed it hurt really bad. that was the worst part of my labor bcuz after she broke my water all hell broke loose within two min i was shaking (side effect of labor) and too weak to even walk to the bathroom on my own. i dealt with the contractions for about 2 hours, just by breathing and using a rocking chair. i said a bunch of mean things to my husband and grandma that i honestly dont remember saying.. my stupid nurse came in with a huge needle and proceeded to try and draw blood from my wrist during my contractions.. she stuck me n missed like 4 times before i started screaming and crying and my mom yelled at her to stop. i started asking for my epidural, i cud still handle the pain but it was steadily getting worse n i didnt want to wait until i cudnt handle it anymore, which was a good idea bcuz the anesthesiologist took 30 mins to get to the room n by then i was in pretty bad pain.. so get it when u feel like ur gonna reach ur pain threshold soon. i had heard how bad an epidural felt but i didnt feel anything at all.. now my lower back gets sore sometimes and aches a little but at the time i didnt feel anything. after my epidural i immediately felt better. i was 3 or 4 cm and steadily progressing. my contractions got stronger and stronger and by 1 or 2 i was feeling a tremendous amount of pressure it was really uncomfortable. so i called the anesthesiologist back into the room to top off my epidural and it helped take the edge off. by 4 pm i was fully dialated ready to push i was so proud i had such a quick labor i thought everything would be fine. i pushed for 2 1/2 hours and i made no progress her head was about halfway down the birth canal. finally my ob came and tried to use a vaccum to get her out. i pushed as hard as i cud and her head just wouldnt budge. thats when they told me i would need an emergency c section and i started bawling hysterically becuz i felt so defeated and i had tried so hard i gave it all i had and it wasnt good enuff. they told my husband to get into scrubs while they wheeled me into the OR. i was shaking uncontrollably they kept trying to talk to me and i cudnt even respond its like my mind was shut off. all i kept thinkin about was i knew id feel the needle slice into my stomach even tho they had put more into my epidural. i just remember wanting my mom more than anything to be in there and hold my hand and she cudnt be. they lifted me onto the table and spread my arms each on their own seperate table. i was shaking so bad. they gave me a blanket and i just closed my eyes and put it over my face thinking horrible thoughts and praying this wasnt really happening. my husband came in the room and stood by my head, he was trying to talk to me but i was too scared to say anything back he told me to squeeze his hand when i felt pressure n it was like a limp fish i was so horrified i cudnt even manage a weak squeeze. 5 or 10 min later they told me she is almost out and i hear a baby screaming and we just look at eachother and burst into tears.. they brought lilliana around to us to see and i was so upset bcuz they put too much into my epidural it even numbed my arms so i cudnt hold her.. she was crying and as soon as i started talking to her she recognized my voice and just stopped, blinking her beautiful big blue eyes at me. my husband went off to take pics of her while she got her first bath and i stayed there for 45 min or so to get stitched up my ob told me that i shudnt feel bad for needing a c section bcuz my pelvic inlet (the bone the baby comes thru) was way too small for me to ever have a baby vaginally and i would need to schedule c sections from now on bcuz my bone was way too small.. they wheeled me into recovery and i went in and out of conciousness for hours. she was born at 6:22 pm and i didnt even get to see her again till 11 or so at night and i was still numb for an hour or so.. i was still shaking really bad my family was scared for me. i was gray n my pulse was 165, it was just racing. every hour or so someone would come in and press down on my uterus to see if it was shrinking. and it hurt so bad the first few times because it had just been cut open and stitched up. everything looking bak is pretty much a blur becuz of all the medications i was on. they wheeled me into my room around 2 or 3 am and i had a cathetar in and cudnt get up for over the first 24 hours so my husband had to bring the baby to me and do everything he was such a blessing he really came thru for me. i am still in pain and it hurts to sneeze blow my nose or cough and i cant do much . i cant work out for eight weeks or lift anything heavier than my daughter. its hard to get things done like cleaning becuz im not supposed to exert myself. all in all iam dissapointed i had a c section but i guess thats just the way my body was made. figures, i have such a quick labor just to end up getting major surgery. oh well, i promise having a baby is so worth everything u have to go thru one smile or their first cry makes up for whatever crap u have to deal with during labor, and afterwards labor is pretty much a blur anyways and u just remember the good parts the most. good luck to everyone whos having a baby, it might sound crazy but id do it all over in a heartbeat!!!
February 5, 2007 at 12:05 pm #14968goodluckyall
ParticipantYour experience sounds very similar to my first one. Congratulations on your baby girl. I love the name Lilliana, too. It’s beautiful. Take care!
February 6, 2007 at 6:37 am #14979krystelandgabe
Participantcongrats on the baby!!! if you need anything… email me!
February 6, 2007 at 10:11 pm #14988bambimami32
Participantcongratulations…you must be happy that the wait is finally over and who dont have to wonder what she looks like…though it sounds like you went through hell. i really have to give it to all the girls here that have gone through labour…you ladies are to be proud of yourselves…
February 7, 2007 at 2:28 am #14991xbethx
Participantthats a really good storey. i enjoyed reading that. weel done for going through all of that you are so brave. if you ever need a chat or anything just talk t me on here x
February 7, 2007 at 9:44 am #14995Lats
Participanthey wow u did really well congratulations!!!
February 7, 2007 at 1:45 pm #15004kez_mummy_2_skye
ParticipantCongrats hun.She is beautiful!!!
February 12, 2007 at 5:30 am #15125mommytoele
ParticipantCongrats on the baby!
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