My abortion

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      Im 17 it s been 1 Months i had my abortion. I was 7 weeks pregant i was with my boyfriend he didn t want to have a baby right now so i decided to do it. It was really painfull and I really regret my act. Now every night i pray for my lil baby who s in the sky right now and i tell him or her sorry and that Mummy loves her or him a lot. Just wanted to share it with you.


        I had an abortion 2 days before my 19th birthday (On April 28, 2005). My b/f didn’t want the baby either. I’m still very upset and can’t believe I did that. I regret it everyday. I know how you feel. I think about what my baby would have been like all the time and I wish I could just take it all back.


          it sounds like there are so many of us out there with exactly the same story. Well i’m 22 and I had an abortion 3 months ago – i was nearly 8 weeks pregnant. I didn’t do it because i wanted to. I did it because i was scared and my boyfriend put a whole lot of emotional pressure on me. So i chose him and not my baby. There honestly isn’t a day goes by that i don’t think about it and regret what i did. I just wish there had been more women willing to talk to me and share their experiences earlier on. I guess we all have to get through it eventually though. right?


            I think what would really help you girls out would be to tell your story and help other girls out who are considering abortion. Tell them how it affected you. Helping someone else not make the mistake you did might be able to help with your emotions. When I’ve done something I didn’t want to do and regreted it, I tried to help other girls not do what I did. Good luck.


              hey. firtsly im new to this sitee and i think its really good that there is a site like this for girls.
              ok this is what i have to say to all you girls who had to give up your baby because your boyfrind wasnt ready to be a father. the i say im ashame to be a girl. my mom always told me to stand up in what i beleive in and i think you grils are wrong to let a part of you be taken out just becuase he didnt want to take responsiblity for the actions he did. im sorry if it sounds like im trashing you honestly im not. im mad at your boyfriends.
              girls i think your very brave to do what you did. may god be with you

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