morning sickness

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    Hey im 8 weeks pregnant and have severe morning sickness so much so that i can barely work im pretty much bed ridden. Im so sick of it ive tried ginger crackers and a few other remedies but nothing helps. Its really taking a toll on my body i can barely eat proper meals. Does anyone else experience this and is there anything that helps? Thanks 🙂


    Oh I wish I knew what to tell you. Some people get way sick and others, like my cousin, don’t feel a thing. I know the first trimester is supposed to be the hardest, but having never been pregnant and through morning sickness, I don’t have any real good suggestions. Praying it lightens up soon.


    Hi! I guess we’re due date buddy;)
    I’m almost 9weeks now..:D

    I do feel morning sickness and I dont do nothing to go away..
    coz my grandma told me its ok i must be patience to handle morning sickness
    its no cure sickness.. but if you can’t work don’t force yourself..

    One thing my grandma told me to do is sleep early and eat healthy foods.
    but i hate veggies now and I love snack and chocolates which I feel worst.
    but good thing I dont puke or vomit because no way I will like those..:|

    I hope it helps and just stay calm and relax don’t worry itll go better:)

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