Morning Sickness

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  • #23693

    Hi Everyone,

    I am new here, my name is Steph, nice to meet everyone:). Well I am 9 weeks pregnant (almost 10 weeks) and my morning sickness is at an all time worse πŸ™ I throw up every morning and feel sick throughout the day i can’t even function. I feel a little better after i eat sometimes. Does anybody have any tips or suggestions of how they dealt with theirs?



    ginger. it helps the nausea!
    i dont know if you’ve ever heard of ginger nut biscuits? but they work wonders for me!
    other things might also work but thats the only thing i know of!


    oyster crackers helped me alot.


    Hey! Congrats on your pregnancy! Well salted crackers were my best friends! Ate some BEFORE you stand up in the morning..i had ginger tea with lemon by hand the whole helps to suck on lemon cause its bitter.. And you can get some lolypops made for morning sickness! Keep us updated πŸ˜€ and it will get better soon!


    Heyyyy (: Morning Sickness Sucks.. Ill Tell You Something That Should And Does Work..

    Acupuncture Bands There go on your wrist and pressure points a point and fro some people it stops instantly. Also Try and have a nibble at a cracker or a break stick when you wake up your being sick because you sugar levels are like lowish so try Nibble on summin plain as soon as you wake up.. Also if you morning sickness ia AMAZINGLY Bad totaly talk to your doctor he will perscribe something for you πŸ™‚

    Hope it Helps



    Ginger-ale and soda crackers!!!! haha


    hi,i also suffered really bad with sickness,im 21 weeks now and its only just eased off,the best advice i can give you is always stay hydrated,when your sick and dont drink enough fluids it makes you feel worse,and get plenty of rest,just eat what you can as often as you can. hang in there it does get easier.good luck xxx

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