MOM ! Help !

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      [b]tonight me and my mother had a really deep talk tonight. about sex , relationships , boys , drama , and pregnancy. i didn’t really know the consequences and responsibilities were so much to handle. i’m so glad we talked tonight. it helped me gain alot of respect for her and her opinions towards things of that nature. we talked about me waiting to have sex with my boyfriend until marriage. even though she does not condone me carrying condoms in my purse ; she highly recommends just in case i decide to do it anyways.
      having this talk and having her actually hear me out, helped me open up more.
      Girls, if your struggling to talk to your mom or someone you trust about certain issues ; just let it out ! it will be the best thing ever (:[/b]


        I am so glad to hear that you had this conversation with your mom! You are right. With sex comes a multitude of responsibilities. Waiting until you are married to have sex is the best decision that you can make for your life now and you future life.

        Take it from me. I’m still a virgin and I have never regretted it ONCE! It was the best decision I have ever made in my life.

        Just so you know, condoms are not 100% effective in preventing pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases.

        Using a condom only lowers the risk of getting HIV/AIDS by 85%. That means that you have a 15% chance of getting it. All other sexually transmitted diseases have about a 50% rate of contraction. That means you have a 1 in 2 chance of getting an STD even if you use a condom.

        Condoms are only risk REDUCTION not ELIMINATION. There is no such thing as safe sex – unless you choose abstinence 🙂


          This is really responsible and such a great, inspirational post. 🙂 I really encourage all girls to be like this and act with such maturity. Great job!

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