missed periods

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    I am 15 and i have missed my period for 4 months.the last time i saw it was in october and it didn’t stay on for very long maybe 3 days.and i bled a little i think i january but it was like for a couple of minutes,it hasn’t came on either this month either and i was wondering could i be pregnant or have i just missed my period,but some people i have been asking were telling me that i am pregnant.but i don’t know i want other people opinions also.thanx


    well if you are four months along you might be feeling some flutters in your tummy (like when you go down a steep rollercoaster) that is usually a good sign after missing your period for so long. Have you talked to your mom??? Please go to a doctor or a caring pregnancy center….they give free tests and alot of them have ultrasounds now. Make sure that you are ok. Please tell your mom what is going on and agree to do everything except kill your baby. If your mom grounds you or tells you to quit having sex or any thing else please listen but if you are preg please keep your baby or do adoption. let us know how it turns out….Im praying for you…Meg


    it deffinitly sounds like you could be pregnant.. have you been having unprotected sex… it could also just be an irregular period… when i was that age my period would dissapear for 2 months. if you think theres a possibility you could be (say if you had sex around sept. or oct.) than you should take a test since you;ll need prenatal care n stuff. keep in touch, Elena.


    your best bets are to get a pregnancy test. if it comes out negative then i think you should go to a doctor & find out whats going on with your body.. if you are pregnant you should be able to notice real soon too..


    i would go somewhere and get a HPT, it sounds like either your period is messed up major time, or your about to be a very busy high schooler, 😛

    good luck, and let us know how it goes.


    i think your pregnant, at your age your period should be quite regular. i think you should really take a test because u could be 4/5 months pregnant. just take a test and c what it says and then get in touch luv xbethx


    I have been feeling flutterings in my stomache but i just thought it was gas i didn’t think of it as baby movement or fetal movement.


    Hi there, i think you may be pregnant, as irregular periods aren;t usually this irregular, and as you stated that you bled a little in jan it would be a very good idea to go and see your doctor and get everything checked out. Don’t worry everything will be ok, if you are pregnant all the best and don’t worry about your mum. It may take a while for her to adjust to the fact. Let us know how it goes!! Jen x

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