might be pregnant Help!!

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    okay i might be pregnant with by my ex-boyfriend and if i am i am about 2 months when i was less than a month a was nauesa and i was eating a lot of food than i started to pee a lot and than all of that stop now i month 1/2 later i get really full easily and everytime i eat i have gas and my lower back be hurting how should i tell him i told him i tought i was pregnant than i took 2 pregnancy test and it came back negative and plus my stomach got bigger 2 and my friend that is pregnant she said she think i am and i dont know what to do


    Have you missed your period? Usually pregnancy tests are fairly accurate, but if your HCG levels are low enough then sometimes it takes a blood test to detect a pregnancy. Perhaps you should take another test or see your doctor for a blood test. If it turns out that you are not pregnant, then I don’t think it is necessary to tell your ex-boyfriend that you suspected you might have been pregnant but it turned out that you weren’t. On the other hand if it turns out that you are pregnant I think that your ex-boyfriend as the father of the child really should be told about the pregnancy. Best wishes.


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