might be a mommie need advice

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    im on the depo n i have been on it before and got pregnant my last period was on dec 14 me and my boyfriend had been having sex constantly since the 1/13 two weeks later i been feeling sick n throwin up n i have been havin cramps in my lower abdomain off n on they were diff from my period cramps and perfums make me sick and im very moody now n my stomach is hard could i be prego im going to test on wednesday


    maybe….. :unsure:


    i took a pt on monday 2/4 n it came back negative than i took one today 2/6 n it came back positve:)


    Well it sounds like theres a chance you could be pregnant, but you’ll know if you take a test. If you still need satisfaction then go to your local doctors, they can help you and tell you your options of what to do next xxx


    I would go to a ob or midwife office they’ll do a more accurate test on you, especially if u got a negative and positive response. It’s also best to take a test in the morning that’s when your hcg hormones are highest. Ne way hope everything turns out ok.

    Linda Lee

    I take depo two and i’m probably 2 weeks along to. I go to the doc in 2 weeks to find out if I’m pregnant. i have been having all the symmpots of being pregant. The fact is i’m not with the babys daddy nomore I’m with my babys daddy coz. I would go take the test again to make sure its a pluse.

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