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- This topic has 54 replies, 11 voices, and was last updated 19 years, 4 months ago by
May 26, 2005 at 11:19 am #8055
ParticipantHey girlies. How is everyone doing. I’m a little bored right now.
I see a lot of the same people posting in here (i’m one of them). I was just thinking about how i don’t really know any of you. I was thinkingit would be cool if we got to know one another better. I pretty much know Jess , love you girl, but i know nothing about the rest of you.
So i was thinking that we could all start by sharing our story about how we got pregnant, or when we had our babies. Anything at all. (if you feel comfortable talking about it, if not that’s cool too.) Just don’t include anything too personal like your email or where you live or anything of that nature. But you girls are smart so you probably know that.
SO i guess i’ll go first.
My name is Monica. I’m 18 years old. I first found out i was pregnant when i was 17. I was a senior in high school. My mom threw a fit. She tried to get me to have an abortion. When i was 5 weeks 6 days i went to the bathroom and there was a single drop of blood in my underwear. I went to the hospital and they told me everything was fine and the bleeding had stopped.
The bleeding came back a couple days later and i was put on strict bedrest. Only to get up to go to the bathroom. I had to have blood taken everyday. Well to make a long story short my next ultrasound didn’t go to well. The babies heart beat had dropped to 62. and the ones that followed brought no hope. A week later and there was no heartbeat. I was 8 weeks 2 days at that point and had an emergency D&C the following day.
Now i have graduated from high school, bought a car, and a house and got engaged. I have also just found out that i am pregnant again. And very excited might i add. No offcial word yet from the doctor but i think i’m due January 26th.
Well i look forward to getting to know you all. Please respond!May 26, 2005 at 5:06 pm #8061Anonymous
Guest🙂 Hello my name is Melissa I’m 22 yrs old and I’ve been married for almost 6 months. My husband I are expecting our first baby in early January providing everything goes well. I’ve been blessed so far I haven’t had any pregnancy scares or abortions. But I had a few friends in High School that ended up pregnant and I saw what they went through and it was very hard. I’m a movie fantic and I love music too. I found this site one night and it was very inresting and touched my heart. I’m so thankful there’s a site where young girls and women can come and post about thier feelings and problems. I’m very impressed and glad to be here. :silly:
May 27, 2005 at 12:11 am #8067Jonluver
ParticipantHi Melissa. Thanks for responding. I’m confused. When in January are you due. You said here that you are due early january. but in your other post it says that you are only 4 weeks. I’m 5 weeks and i’m due january26. so if you were due in early january you would be further along than me?
Anyways i hope everything turns out ok. (the thing about you period) Keep me posted!
May 27, 2005 at 1:06 am #8069patrish
my name is patricia and five months ago i found out i’m pregnant. im fifteen, but everyone has always considered me and treated me as older. i knew from the start my mom would be supportive, she was in the room with me when we found out, she took it better then me. my biggest fear was my dad, i thought he would dis-own me and never talk to me again but hes actually still here for me today and i still see him every weekend. hes very supportive. as well as my extended family as well. i am currently still with my boyfriend of over one year and we are planning to be together forever..and we are hoping everything works out.I go to a school for adolescent pregnant teens and teen moms. its an easy place to work at your own pace and theyre are baby daycares that u can bring ur children to when u are working in class. You are on call all day to your baby so whenever it needs something you go and take care of it.
congrads on your second pregnancy, i hope and pray that everything goes smoothly for you! when i first found out i was pregnant, no one tryed to tell me to have an abortion but i fely the pressure to so that i didnt have to go through the humility of telling everyone. but once i did. i was so greatfull that i decided to keep it, because feeling it kick everyday is the most amazing thing in the world.
May 27, 2005 at 1:34 am #8070Anonymous
GuestHello, my name is Stephanie and I actually found this site by accident but am very glad I did. It is a wonderful place for young girls and women to go to talk about feelings they are experiencing. I was just 16 when I found out I was pregnant :ohmy: still a junior in high school. I delivered my son 13 days before my 17th birthday(he was 5 weeks early). It has definatly been a long, hard, struggle up-hill but I’m happy to say we’ve made it! 😛 I got married in April of my senior year, had my first daughter the following January 19th (she wasn’t due until March 14th, she was 8 weeks early) I was married to my first husband for 7 years when things fell apart :unsure: My son was 7 and my daughter was 6(or soon to be 6). I remarried and my new husband and I were expecting our baby September 15th,but came on July 10th, 10 weeks early.So with ALL the babies arriving way too early we decided not to have anymore children. I was on the Depo shot and breast-feeding my new baby girl when GOD intervened and gave us our last blessing. A baby girl who was born on September 11, 2001 (she to came 6 weeks early). I had many scares with her and know my life would not be complete without her, even though she was extremly unplanned by me and my husband (my last 2 are just 14 months and 1 day apart) she was well planned by GOD. I had to have a cerclage put in my cervix at 15 weeks because I was dialated to 2cm, but that still didn’t stop her from arriving 6 weeks early. After all that and against better judgement I had a tubal and wish I had never done it. I love my children with all my heart and soul. Christian will be 15 in September, Tiffanie will be 14 in January, Taylor will be 5 in July, and My baby, Chloe will be 4 in September. Some people tried to pressure me into an abortion 15 years ago and I am so happy I made my own decision to have my child even at such a young age, he is one awesome teenager. All I can say is GOD has truly blessed me and continues to bless me daily. Oh by the way I am 31 years old now with 4 great kids and a wonderful husband.
Much love and prayers to all,
Mommy of 4May 27, 2005 at 3:43 am #8077aprilmarie0204
ParticipantHi, my name is April and I am 20. I got pregnant the first time at 17 and had my daughter Caely Nov. 24. I got pregnant again nine months later and made the horrible decision to terminate my pregnancy. I do not reccomend it to anyone, in fact i will do everything in my power to talk someone out of it. I got pregnant with my son shortly after and he was born July 8, now ten months later i find myself pregnant again due the 6th of January, but maye I’ll go early!!?? I feel blessed that God has given me the chance to have more children when i threw away the beautiful one he tried to give me. I am married to the father of all my children, and he is wonderful, although he’s never really experienced me pregnant head on so hes surprised by the moods! I am in school to become a nurse, and one day a nurse practitioner. But I am soooo tired all the time that I rarely make it to class. Thank goodness I have easy courses! That is about all there is to know about me. I look forward to getting to know you girls!
May 27, 2005 at 6:25 am #8084Jonluver
ParticipantHi patricia. Thanks for posting. Congradulations. You must be so excited. SO when is your due date. In septmeber? That’s so wonderful that you have such supportive parents!
Thanks. I’m very excited. But still scared.May 27, 2005 at 6:28 am #8085Jonluver
ParticipantHi Stpehanie. Thanks for posting. You are so strong. My mom tried to force me to have an abortion too. But i stood my ground and wouldn’t do it. I know have you must have felt when your babies were born so early. I’m sorry you had to go through that. But they are healthy now, right? Wow 15! Bet you can’t believe it went by so fast.
May 27, 2005 at 10:31 am #8092Anonymous
Well im Louise. I signed up just a min ago bt i havent got the email jst yet, anyway i figured i may aswell register as ive bin readin this site and the forums for a while. 🙂
Im from England, in a small place near to Manchester. Im 16 years old, and to be honest, im pretty obsessed with babies and pregnant bellies! I jst think it is such an amazing thing, and i cant help but love every baby i see, although, if i had the choice i would wait to give my children the best life they can have. Even tho i say i would want to wait until i have my own home and everything, i cnt help but want one right now, and i think i may be 5 months pregnany (but ill come back to that later). I would just love to have a new challenge, and i know it would be a huge one and that that is no reason to have a baby, but … i dno. So yeh, thats sorta how i found this site.
Me and my boyfriend have been 2gether almost 2 years… a long time considering im only 16, bt it jst started as a bit of fun and now we are inseperable and he is my best friend. Only thing is, he is at the moment in prison, nothing serious and i do believe he has changed, although people think im stupid for doing so. He has bin there for the last 4 mnths and will be home soon. He isnt a bad person tho and, as many people who do not know me persume, i am not some scruff, and neither is he, both of our parents are wealthy. I am not bragging, i just feel i always need to justify myself so that people dont get me wrong or think bad of me.
I think i may be 4mnths pregnant. Only four mnths cus i havent had sex since then. Im not sure why i think i am, just this feeling, ive also had some symptoms. I dno, jst dont tell me to take a test bcus i wud rather not know rite now.
Anyway… thats pretty much me
Much love
Lu x.x.xMay 27, 2005 at 10:54 am #8093Jonluver
ParticipantHI Lousie. Welcome. YOu’ll love it here. The girls are great. THis is the very best website ever. It’s so helpfull and the stories are amazing!!
Now, about your pregnancy. I know you don’t want to hear this but you must get tested. First off there are prenatal vitamins you need to be taking that you can only get by prescription from a doctor (well at least here you can’t, i don’t know about in england). Second there are many things you can not and should not be doing that you health care provider will tell you about. Did you know that you can’t eat deli meat while your pregnant? There are also a lot of tests that you need to have done to make sur that the baby is healthy. Also an ultrasound needs to be preformed to make sure the baby is developing correctly and to make sure that you are not having an epotic pregnancy.
You could not only be putting your childs life in danger but you could also be putting your in danger too. So i urge you to take a test and see a doctor ASAP!!!!!!!!!!
THanks for posting. Look forward to talking with you in the furture!
May 28, 2005 at 8:03 am #8109Anonymous
GuestHey there! Thanks for replying again! I say early January cause I’m not sure I started having my symptoms a month ago..but like I said on my other posts that I’m still geting my periods and my doc is making me wait it out until either a unire test comes back postive or in Aug when i go in for my routine pap test. Either way I’m frustrated :S If there was a unire test that would read accuarte even though I’m geting my periods I’d try it out. I figured if i wasn’t pregnant the symptoms would’ve stopped by now but now in the mornings I’m sicker then I used to be and my uterus is cramping and steching and it I feel that off and on every day still. So I’m really confussed and my husband is worried. Well anyway thanks for leting me vent! Nice to meet you! *hugs* :silly:
May 28, 2005 at 1:10 pm #8115Jonluver
Participantwow!! you a lot more patience than i do. i wouldn’t be able to wait that long. in fact i didn’t wait to see if i got my period this time. i just took the test. It was a tuesday and i wasn’t supposed to get my period until friday. Well my roomate was in scotland and my fiancee was at work. I was just sitting around the house. My boobs were wicked sore, which they never are, I know a lot of girls get sore right before they get their periods but i’m not one of them. I had a test and i sat there staring at it. I knew it was too early to take it but i couldn’t help it. I jumped up, grapped the test and ran to the bathroom. Now comes the tricky part.
I didn’t think i had to pee to i really wasn’t holding the stick in the right position. But boy did i have to pee. i got it all over test window and barely any on the stick. I keep waiting to see the pink line move across the window but it never did. Then i saw the control line appearing and i knew it was negative. so i went back downstairs.about 15 mintues later i had to pee again. so i went upstairs. I walked into the bathroom and looked down at the test: IT WAS POSITIVE!!!!!! I couldn’t believe it. I went to the store and got a digital one. it said pregnant on the screen. I was only 3 weeks 6 days at that point.WEll anyways good luck with everything. i praying that are pregnant (i’m thinking thats what you want) hope everything goes well. hey maybe in a week you should take a digital test. they work pretty good!!
if you ever need to talk i’m here. i know how hard waiting is!!
May 29, 2005 at 2:41 am #8120Anonymous
Guesthi… my names becca… i dont think i’m pregnant(although i tend to get the symptoms every single month: nausea, vomiting, fatigue etc but i think its cuz of the birth control).
i found this site while doing a web design project on abortion. i’m 17(18 in nov) and i’ve always been against abortion, and so i was really happy when i found this site and learned what some girls had gone through. i feel better prepared when i get into a discussion on abortion with someone who is pro-choice.
i think this site is absolutely amazing. i have already decided that when i’m older i will be anything i can to help teen moms and fight against abortion, so i’m just really happy to hear what everyone here as to say. the only thing that has confused me was when everyone mentions a hardening of the uterus… i feel kind of stupid mostly because i have no idea where it is that you would even tell if your uterus is hard etc…
i wish you all the best of luck with your pregnancies and your babies!!!
May 29, 2005 at 5:12 am #8121aprilmarie0204
ParticipantIf your doctor is trying to make you wait, but your gut tells you that you are pregnant, you should ask for a blood test. It is more sensitive than a urine test and more accurate.
May 29, 2005 at 6:23 am #8124Anonymous
GuestHey everyone I posted my story already its the one called "you’ll never regret having your baby!" so if you see it you can read it if you want. I just wanted to say hi to everyone and wish everyone happiness and complete joy in their futures I feel really connected to all of you:) But I especially want to talk to the few girls on here for a second that have had a miscarriage or abortion. I just want you to know that we are all here to support you and you are loved so much by all of us girls(right girls?!) 🙂 I am thankful I’ve never experienced anything like that but I still feel your pain and want you to know that everything will be alright you are all strong women. If you have had an abortion you need to forgive yourself and let yourself accept that you just did not know at that time what you know now and so its not something to kill yourself over every day. You can’t keep blaming yourself or shutting down just let yourself live again you do deserve it no matter what you might think about yourself you deserve to be happy and don’t you forget it:) If you had a miscarriage I just want to say the same thing you have to know that you can get through this and you must let yourself live again. In both cases you must grieve but don’t shut down inside. I am not trying to be any sort of expert or something but I do know how pain can eat you alive and its like a poison. You can be happy and you deserve to be happy. Congratulations to the girls I have read about already on here you are all going to be fine and everything is gonna be ok. Your inner strength as a woman can get you through anything just believe in yourself:) I love you all- don’t forget to read my story if you want:)
May 29, 2005 at 11:48 am #8134Jonluver
Participanthi becca. thanks for posting. you know whats funny is i want to do the same thing. I want to go to school to be a social worker. i plan to work in an adoption agency helping loving couples adopted childern. but i will also volunteer my time to helping helping teen moms. In two ways to help educated the longterm emotional and physical effects abortion has and it’s alternatives. I also want to help teen who have had miscarriages. there is nothing out there for that. there are either places like this that are designed for teen pregnancy support or there are miscarriage support groups. nothing for a greiving teen mother. I was part of a miscarriage supprot group but noone understood what i had been through. No one ever saw the look of "relief" on everyones face when it happened. I actually got kicked out of that group for being too young. And a lot of women who have had miscarriages had something horrible happen to the point where they can one longer have kids and the one they lost was their only so they are bitter to the fact that a teen got pregnant, most of the time it was an accdeint(wow my spelling is really bad) They understand the emotions of what it’s like. To be young and find out your pregnant. THey never got the "looks" in the halls at school. They never had all the rumors going around about them. They were never talked about behind their back. They never knew how hard it was to tell their parents and for some be disowned by the ones who gave them life.
even though i am very thankfull for the support i did get in the two groups i love no one there understands what teen actually go through. that is way i’ve decided to do this.
well sorry this was so long. but thanks again for posting. look forward to hearing from you in the furture!May 29, 2005 at 12:04 pm #8135Jonluver
Participanthi crystal. your story is amazing. i just have to say one thing and i don’t mean to be,well,mean. but miscarriage and abortion are two completly different things!! For a women who has experienced a miscarriage they (normally) wanted that baby. they begged the doctor to save their baby. their heart was ripped out. i can’t even begin to explain to you how it feels.
I know you mean well by it. But if you’ve never gone through it it’s hard to understand what hurts and what doesn’t. Like the ever popular "things happen for a reason." no one want to hear that when their child has just died. what could possibly be the reason for the death of an innocent unborn baby. Or the "your young. you’ll have more babies." More babies? Women just want the one that died.
I’m not lecturing you i’m just letting you know for furture reference. I am not hurt by this anymore. i know that people who say stuff like that are only trying to help. And i really do thank you for being thoughtful. (we have a girl here who had a m/c this week)
thanks for posting.
so how old is you baby now? i can’t remember if that’s in your story or not. was it a boy or a girl?May 29, 2005 at 4:49 pm #8142Anonymous
GuestHey thanks for the advise on the digital pregnancy test I’ll see about geting one next week when my husband gets paid. 🙂 That’s so cool you found out for sure so early Congarts I’m very happy for you! I really hope I’m pregnant because the last several weeks have been nerve wracking and I’m sick of waiting around for my period to not show up. :unsure: Hopefully in a few days I’ll know for sure. Thanks again! *hugs* :silly:
May 30, 2005 at 3:19 am #8146Jonluver
ParticipantMelissa, DOn’t forget to let me know what it says. Good luck. I’m prayin for you!
May 30, 2005 at 12:46 pm #8150Anonymous
GuestI didn’t mean to say anything out of line I was just trying to let anyone who has lost a baby whether it be by choice through an abortion or not by choice through a miscarriage that I and all of us are here for them. I do understand what you are saying about the difference between miscarriage- being a baby that you desperately wanted and lost- and abortion which is an unwanted pregnancy. BUT the pain is still bad with an abortion too it is just a different sort of pain. I am sorry about your miscarriage and I didn’t mean to make you mad but I felt like I was being pretty fair by being supportive of both types of grief.
May 30, 2005 at 3:14 pm #8154Anonymous
GuestThank you! I’ll be sure to post when i find out what’s going on. I appercaite all the prayers! *hugs* 🙂
May 31, 2005 at 4:09 am #8168Jonluver
Participanti know you were trying to help. i wasn’t mad. i m/c happened over a year ago. it doesn’t upset me anymore when people say stuff like that. I know they’re just trying to help. they don’t understand what hurts and what doesn’t. the only reason i said anything was because there is a girl on here who just recently had a m/c and i didn’t know how she would react to seeing that.
Take care!May 31, 2005 at 5:04 am #8169aprilmarie0204
ParticipantHaving an abortion and experiencing a miscarriage are two totally different things. And you are right, a mother who loses her child when she wants so badly to hold on experiences a ton of hurt which is beyond description. But i think that people need to realize the tremendous amount of hurt a woman feels after she has been through an abortion. The fact that there was a choice involved makes it hard to live with yourself. I’m not saying one hurt is greater than the other, all i’m trying to do is help people to understand that many women regret their decision to abort and have to live with the guilt and the hole in their heart for the rest of their lives as well. There is nothing anyone can say to make you feel better in either situation, and I think it would be benificial to the girls on this site who have experienced one or the other to know that what they are feeling is valid, reguardless of whether there was a choice involved or not.
June 1, 2005 at 3:40 pm #8188Anonymous
Guestaprilmarie0204- thank you that is exactly what I was trying to say. There is so much grief with both an abortion and with a miscarriage and that is all I was trying to say- I’m not sure why I got the third degree- I didn’t say anything "like that" or whatever that was supposed to mean. Anyway I’m ending this now by saying once again (and I’m not going to apologize for it!) that we need to be supportive of women who have experienced both a miscarriage and an abortion because they are both painful experiences. And also I was very aware of the woman who had a miscarriage last week that is partly why I posted what I originally did- I read hers and I also read a woman’s post who had an abortion and they both hit me hard I felt for both of them. That is why I posted what I did I was simply stating that I was there for both of them and that the rest of us are there for them as well. So whatever I posted that was "like that" I’m sorry I guess I don’t understand what "like that" was.
June 1, 2005 at 4:26 pm #8190Anonymous
GuestHello I’m Falon
I’m 23 years old (almost 24) and still in College! My second year in college I transfered schools and lost 2 years worth of credits so I will be in school forever :angry: I joke that I will be in school as long as a doctor but I will only come out will a bachelors instead of a p.HD :laugh: . My story is not as happy as the others. I conceived on Christmas eve 2004 and found out I was pregnant January 14th when I noticed my period was absent. The very same day I got a nasty e-mail from my mother expressing her opinion about my life, weight and how she felt I wasn’t taking school seriously or else I would have graduated by now…ect. I felt extremely scared and worthless at that point. I turned to my older sister for advice about my situation ( who was 12 weeks pregnant w/ her 2nd child at the time). She told me to get an abortion that it was no big deal she had 2 of them by the time she was my age, a thought that was not at all comforting. My fiancee had the same thought as my sister, he said we were in no position to raise a child, we both had lost our health insurance, we would have to quit school to get full time jobs and we just wouldn’t be the best parents. I kept getting nasty e-mails from my mom and she didn’t even know that I was pregnant and it got bad enough to finally send me over the edge. I decided to make everyone happy and I terminated the pregnancy at 6 weeks and 5 days. It didn’t make everything OK, it was the worst thing I ever done, I regret it and think about it all the time I should be 23 weeks and 5 days pregnant today and preparing to give birth september 17 but I’m not instead I’m an empty shell. My fiancee is sad about it too and he thinks about it alot also. We were just caught so off guard that we panicked and acted without thinking everything through. We both talked about it and agreed that if pregnancy occurs again we would keep the baby and be proud parents. It still feels like its "a day late and a dollar short" type deal. So I’m on this website to help me heal and help others from making the same mistake I did. Love, Falon -
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