message for dorkalious_stud_muffin

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  • #8095

    hey hun. i haven’t heard from you in a while. how’s everything going. How’s you pregnancy? Did you go to the doctors yet? How "the man?" Is everything starting to work out ok?
    You need to keep me posted on these things. 😉

    Well anyways i hope all is well.
    I just got some good news from the doctor. My hormone levels are going up like they should be!!! THank god!! I have an ultrasound on June 15. Wish me luck!!!


    well, I havent talked to the guy in a long time. I dont think he wants anything to do with me. A few days ago he found out I was hanging out with this guy…and he flipped out about it. and hes all saying "i thought we had something" I didnt understand why all of a sudden he thinks we had something…i mean the guy hadnt talked to me in weeks…. I keep e-mailing him, but he wont reply. so im just gonna give up….the pregnany is going good…. im getting fatter… so how have you been? good luck on the ultrasound!!!


    i’m so sorry to hear that. give it time maybe he’ll come around.
    If you ever need to talk i’m here!

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