Maybe miscarriage? How do I know?

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    So, I think I may have had a miscarriage a couple of months ago, but am not even sure if I was pregnant… My period was really really late (we were waiting to see if it would come before I took a test), and when it did, it was *really* heavy, and just different from any of my previous ones. I can’t go to a doctor, and the only people that knew about the "maybe baby" are my closest girlfriend, and the guy I am sorta with. Do any of you know how I can figure out if I had a miscarriage, without seeing a doctor? I don’t want to worry anyone needlessly, and have not told told anyone that I may have miscarried. I’m kind of scared to know the truth, but not knowing is driving me crazy as well… Help! Please?:unsure:



    You need to go to the doctor (even if you are afraid to let anyone know the truth about what you have been up to) If you have misscarried (depending on how far along you were) not having your body cheched out could lead to infections or even infertility if I’m not misstaken. Maybe this would be a time that you will have to admitt your faults to your parents and need to admitt that you are sexually active. I hope all goes well but no matter what you think the reaction will be PLEASE go to the doctor and make sure that you are healthy :)…..Love and Prayers Meg


    you would KNOW if it was a miscarriage! most women when they miscarry they get terrible cramps big heavy chuncky bleeding plus a fever and vomiting! you would KNOW if it was a miscarriage!


    Hi There, I would go and see your doctor as it should be confidential any way so your parents shouldn’t find out from your doctor. Then once you know your ok, you can decide wether or not to tell your family. Good luck and all the best. DONT WORRY!!!! Jen x


    Hey, If you think that you were preggo then you really need to go check yourself out……..If you were you have the placenta still in thier that needs to be taken out. ….
    Like that one girl said it could lead to infertility and you not be able to have kids. Well good luck hun with everything………
    I hope everything goes ok !!! you should honestly go and get that checked out though, for your own safety…
    Best wishes and God bless



    Not to sound to icky, but if you had a miscarriage, you would ahve known it!

    You would have seen grey material, blood "clots", you would have had moderate to severe cramps.

    I would see a doctor of some kind. Because if you did have a isscarriage, and there is still "material" inside your uterus, you could get a severe infection, and that could cause you to be sterile (unable to bear more children)

    I hope it works out for you, I will be thinking of you.


    Thank you all so much for your advice! I am going in for a general check-up soon, and will talk to my doctor about it… And if he thinks its necessary, I will tell my parents. We don’t really have money right now, so doctor appointments are very rare. I’ve not actually been to a doctor in 4 years…but thats life. I will let you all know how it goes, if I end up seeing a dcotor. please keep me in your prayers?


    well they say you can have a chemical pregnancy also, where your body creates hormones, but the egg never becomes fertilized comppletely, and then you just get your period which can be late. but go to the doctor. if you have insurance then go to a family doctor who also does gyn. then ask her about it when youre alone in the room with them. they wont tell your mom or family. then theyll just schedule a follow up exam or refer you somewhere else, or tell you mom you need to go because youve been having bad bad cramps and they want to make sure youre ok. then make her stay in the waiting room and tell the doctor the truth. thats how i was secretive when i was in h.s. they cant give any info to your mom that you dont agree to. i never had any problems with this trick. just make sure you do get to the doctor to make sure youre ok. take care and good luck 🙂

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