Major Confused

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    I’m not too sure how this website works entirely, but I figured it would be a safe place to express my confusion and dilema or blessing depending on how you look at it. I am a soon to be 21 year old college student. I’ve been with my boyfriend for 3 years and early February my period was late by 4 days and I thought for sure I might be pregnant. However, I did end up getting my period and just went on with life. As time went on I just wasn’t feeling right but the next month got my period as scheduled. Three days into my period I experienced the most pain I’ve ever felt in my life and my sister rushed me to the hospital and I found out that I was experiencing an ectopic pregnancy. If you do not know what that is it is a tubal pregnancy where the fetus implants in the tubes and not the uterus posing a very serious threat to the momma. Anyways I ended up having emergency surgery to have the fetus removed. It was the oddest experience of my life… I had 12 hours to digest the fact that yes I was pregnant but not for long and I had no choice in the matter. Now I have 3 beautiful scars on my tummy to remind me everyday of what happened. Now… I have a deep feeling I am pregnant, again and terrified. I’m still with my boyfriend who I love very much. I’m scared of the disappointment from my family. I’m supposed to be the one who will graduate from Grad school and go on to become female CEO of some big company. Knowing them, this will just kill them. But the way I feel is if this is happening, how can i be pregnant twice this year and have no baby? How can I loose two babies in one year? I’m totally confused. I feel like I’m getting myself very worked up. I am going to go to the doctors tomorrow probably and find out for sure. I look at some many of the girls on here and see how happy they are and it provides so much inspiration. So if anyone has any words of wisdom or advice, I will welcome it with open arms!!


    well if you are pregnant I pray that this baby will make it… mom lost a baby the same way you did and my daughtr was a tubal pragnancy…she actually slipped out of the tube and replanted… therefore I know God works miracles…..if you are pregnant and you want to raise this baby and enjoy motherhood then dont let your family change your mind….so what if having a baby will keep you from being a COE or whatever…..being a mommy will be alot less stressful than that and being a mom is just as worthy of a job…dont let them put you down but please please dont get an abortion….I hope that you are able to find out asap and that your family will not pressure you to fulfill their dreams for you….you can make it…just let us know what happens….Love and Prayers…Meg

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