loosing something

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  • #12020

    i’m going through a hard time. i’am in school and i have to take my daughter to the daycare it broke my heart because i do miss her su much. i will like some one to help me in this one.


    i will be going through the same thing within the next year. im due in 2 wks and then next fall i will begoing back to school, and will have to put my son i daycare, which i wish i didnt have to. but just think anout it this way, you are doing whats is best for her. by finishing school you will be able to support her much better in the future, so keep your head up girl and press on. my thoughts and prayers go out to you on this one. best of luck to you.

    gina lynn


    I take my son to daycare and it is so hard for me to do it, but u still have to do what you have to do, You will start to get used to it and it wont be so bad anymore, and plus, you will be so excited to pick her up when you pick her up, i now that everyday i am so excited to pick Konor up! You will be okay, just bare with it, it will get easier!


    It will be okay…You will see her later 🙂


    you are doing the right thing by your daughter. the people looking after your daughter are there to look after her. they know what there doing.

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