Life after death-guilt

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    Her crib hasnt been slept in
    Her clothes haven’t seen daylight since
    Her laughter hasn’t tickle my ears
    Her joy. gone.
    She hasn’t graced me with her presence since the doctors said there was nothing left.
    I haven’t been happy in 5 months
    I fought for her
    I held her within me
    I felt her kick with life within me
    She hasn’t smiled with those dimples in forever

    Life slowly is coming into a routine that doesnt involve my baby. Something I would never had fathomed before. I am moving on, but I cant bring myself to be happy without her here to share it. She was my life, now I feel like a walking shell of existence. I am solely here to eat, drink and sleep. My baby girl never got to expierence life, and I will never forgive myself for having to expirence without her.

    Kennah Deirdre 5-4-07
    May the angels lead you in.


    That is beautiful Devyn. i feel so much pain in your loss. everytime i read another dedication to your beautiful girl it breaks my heart..we shouldnt have to bury our babies. I’m terribly sry for your loss and i hope overtime you will heal…Your beautiful girl knows mommy loves her more then life itself and u will meet again one day. I hope to keep reading beautiful dedications it makes her existance that much more beautiful in knowing she had such a great effect on so many that loved her!


    oh honey… girl.. i know how you feel… i lost my first child… that was so beautiful.. my son is suppose to be two in january…. but he is not here… the pain will take a backseat.. and you will smile again.. trust me… i know that it is hard but it will get better.. just alway remember the love that you felt for her… i am with you and i will keep you in my prayers..


    I cant imagine what you feel right now but what you described would be my worst nightmare, not to have my kids here. You are being strong in moving forward, she would want to see that. I just dunno what to say really… makes me sad reading that someone so nice had this happen to them:(

    Take care hun

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