just wondering

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  • #9558

    i didn’t want to put this in pregnancy symptoms and questions just because… well… i didnt feel like it would be the right topic…this is a bit descriptice so…

    anyways, i had unprotected sex with my now ex-boyfriend two days before my period. my period was light, but i didn’t think there was anyway i could have gotten pregnant since i’m on the pill, and its always been reliable in the past.

    after my period, pretty much the day after it ended, we once again had unprotected sex, but he never came, though i noticed quite a bit of precum.

    anwyays, i found out like two days after that he had been planning on breaking up wtih me for about 3 weeks… i had been crying a lot, which made me feel realyl sick. i was throwing up and dry heaving a lot.

    so, now, a week later, i’m still throwing up. i’m constantly going to the bathroom(diarrhea:which my mom says is a possible symptom) and i’m feeling really tired. i get dizzy and i’ve also had random pains in my lower abdomen…

    i’m a bit worried because as the guy and i are no longer together, i have no idea what i should do.

    i was just wondering if its posisble that all these symptoms are in my head. i just went through a very traumatic experience with this break-up(theres a lot about the break-up i have left out) so i was wondering if that could be the reason for these thoughts. any feedback would be greatly welcomed.



    I’m sorry to hear about your breakup. I know how hard and gut-wrenching a break-up can be. It is possible to get pregnant while on the birth control pill, but much less likely. It is possible to get pregnant from pre-ejaculate, but again less likely. My guess is that you are not pregnant. Perhaps the stress of your relationship has lowered your body’s defenses and you picked up a flu virus. Perhaps it is just stress. I would wait until your next period is due. If your period is late, then I would take a home pregnancy test to find out for sure. In the meantime try not to stress too much about being pregnant. Hang in there.



    thanks a lot for the advice…

    this morning(saturday) i started bleeding, however i’m not supposed to start my period until tuesday or wednesday. it wasn’t normal however. it was actually rather brown. a little later on it became pink and then red, but its only there when i wipe… so i’m a little confused.

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