just need some support

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    so some of you may remember when i first became a member to this site i was ttc well i changed my mind about that because i was having second thoughts and thought maybe i wasnt ready and since i was having second thoughts i decided not to try anymore "if i did keep trying it wouldnt have been fair to the baby" well my period has been regular since may and now im 3 days late and am having bad heartburn. im terrrified im pregnant even tho me and my boyfriend are still together and doing great its just the only way i could of gotten pregnant is when i was at my best friends 18th birthday party i got really drunk and was in the back seat of my boyfriends car.thats just not a way i want to tell my baby i concieved him or her. I also was recently layed off from my job because my boss needed someone to work all day and not just after school but she couldnt afford to pay both of us so im now broke with only $20 i fortunatly finally got a job today but i dont start till monday. My boyfriend plays basketball and that pretty much takes up most of his time and he only works on saturdays and sundays. he also lives an hour away from me so ill be pretty much going through everything by myself


    So have you found out if you are pregnant yet?? I am here anytime you need to talk…Love Meg


    Hey, yeah I was 10 days late but i finally started. which i am so happy about, i dont feel im mature enough for that big of a responibility. I broke up with my boyfriend because i needed time to think and i felt i needed to be completely alone to get a clear head. so no pregnancies scares in my future! thanks for asking!

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