junk food and pregnant

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    im nearly 6 weeks pregnant and i cant stop eating junk food.. i know it cant be good for the baby and i werent like this when i was pregnant with my son.. did anyone have the same problem and will i get over this phase?


    I have that problem too… It sucks and now I’m 5 months and still not over it lol. I let myself have some goodies but make sure that they aren’t taking the place of healthier stuff 🙂


    When I was pregnant with my son Zane, i ate lots of healthy stuff but definately had more than i should have in fast food! Zane turned out really healthy. I stayed active til the day he was born going on hikes, walks, and some yoga. However, I really regretted my " I’m pregnant, i can basically eat anything" attitude. It’s been difficult to get the extra baby weight off. Over all, eat healthy. You’ll get a really healthy kid!! Just watch out for yourself if you want your figure back!


    well elt me tell you i had that problem with 5 pregs n i didnt stop ever with my 1st 3 even when im not preg i love that junk food it wont totally hurt your baby once in a while but try to cut down


    I understand where you’re coming from, when I was first pregnant I ate so much junk food! But i’m finally starting to get over it! I have actually found some healthy foods that taste fairly good. But it’s still a huge task trying to get me to eate vegetables! lol.


    I don’t know how much this helps, but I’ll try!
    I found when I went on junk food kicks I had to try and indulge enough to get rid of the craving but not too much where I would gain a lot. Try and hold back and indulge only when you really need to get rid of the cravings. I also found planning out meals at specific times and keeping busy really helps sometimes. And if you must indulge, go for the good stuff, exactly what you’ve been craving and don’t settle for less because if you get just a bit of the perfect stuff you won’t eat 10x the amount of the "second-best stuff" if you catch my drift.
    Anyways i hope this helps take care!

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