it’s been almost a month

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  • #17572
    ladii m

    🙁 remember when i came to everyone asking for advice when i thought i was only a couple of weeks pregnant and i was really four months and it’s been almost a month since i had found out that i had a still born baby. and i can’t seem to wonder what it would of looked like. so when they operated to get the baby out i was still hurt and i asked them to tell me what it was and al they said was we’ll have the lab look into it. Almost three weeks later they called me and told me that i was having a girl so i named her Aamira danae and even though she’s not here i feel like a part of my heart was ripped out and i just ask why did god give her to me and then take her away. Just when i was okay with having another baby to love she was taken from me. I did everything the doctors asked.. so in her memory Aamira Danae was taken from me when i was 5 months pregnant. May 10,2007:(


    i’m so sorry for ur loss….but God has reason for everything he does even if it seems like it’s the worst thing that has ever happened there’s a reason…


    Hi there…I am very sorry for your loss…I could never imagine being in your shoes…the question that you are asking is, Why did God give you this baby and why did He take her away??? I don’t know the reasons why God allows specific trials and hurts in our lives but I do know why He allows us trials and hurts in general. God wants us to see Him as our Father, He wants us to run to Him when things go wrong. He has promised to never leave us or forsake us and when things go wrong it is not punishment, those are the times when He is the closest. I can’t tell you why He took your little baby home, but I can tell you that she is in His loving arms. I can’t tell you why He is allowing you to hurt, but I can tell you that He will comfort you in this time. I can’t tell you what He wants to work into your heart through this, but I can tell you that His thoughts towards you are of good and not of evil to give you a future and a hope. Reading your post brought a song to my mind and I would like to share some of the lyrics with you…Blessed be Your name, when the suns shining down on me, when the worlds all as it should be, Blessed be Your name. Blessed be Your name when the road’s marked with suffering, when there’s pain in the offering, Blessed be Your name. Every Blessing you pour out I’ll turn back to praise, when the darkness closes in Lord still I will say, Blessed be the name of the Lord, Blessed be Your name, Blessed be the name of the Lord, Blessed be your glorious name. You give and take away, You give and take away, my heart will choose to say, Lord Blessed be Your name…..I am not telling you that you should stop grieving , I am not telling you that you have no room to question God….when you are questioning Him that means you are talking to Him and He wants a relationship with you….ask Him to heal your heart, ask Him for answers, and expect Him to meet you in your deepest times of sorrow…He is there for you and He loves you…sometimes things just happen, we can’t always figure out why, but it is better to walk through the valley with Jesus then to walk on the hill tops without Him…cling to Him and let Him carry you though this difficult time….with all my Love and Prayers…Meg

    ladii m

    thank you 🙂

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