its about time i ask for help?

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    ok so its only fair that i start from the beginning, oh yeah please bare with me its kinda long:

    ok so on may23 i started to have unprotective sex but we didnt go all the way, we just started for a few minutes and stopped. anyways my period was supposed to come june8 but it ended coming july5, but i started to take antibiotics on the day i was supposed to get my period so i wasnt too alarmed when it didnt come and well i took the antibiotics for 2 weeks theni said i would have given my period like a week to come and it did so i had no problems thinking that i might have been pregnant.

    so my next period came 2 days early on august10, normal i guess im either always 3 or less days early or for a few weeks now i’ve been having is uncomfortable feeling in my stomach and i cant sleep on it anymore cause i feel this slight pain so im now trying to sleep on my side.

    but today (sept8) i was just watching tv at night when i got this sharp pain in my left lower abdominal and i couldnt move else it would pain and i feel pain right below my stomach on both sides and i just dont know what to do, i quickly thought that maybe i am pregnant and i dont know and i might be having a miscarriage but no blood, just the pain.

    so my bf really wants me to go by the dr but im so afraid that the pain might mean something else but i promised i would go before the end of week and im trying really hard to keep that promised but its still nerve wrecking. but i seriously cant take this discomfort, so im going to have to take of this.

    so please anyone with any advice it would be really appreciated and even saying that im pregnant is saying that im 15 weeks pregnant and dont know it and i know the first thing everyone’s going to say is take a test but i’ve been so busy that i havent found the time which sucks but all of that is going to get taken care of this week.


    Thang signs like u should go to the doctor but how can i talk i had the same problem a bad pain in my side too, my boyfriend told me to take a test to see if i was pregnant and that was like 4-5 weeks ago and now im just sick and feeling bloated…So u should go and check it out if your afraid of the possibilty then just get someone close to you to go and buy you a pregnancy test!!!

    P.S If you would like to talk just send A message(Im new to thid and need friend to talk too!!!):)


    Hi. You really need to go to the doctor, maybe its an ectopic pregnancy that can be dangerous to your health, or maybe it’s a cyst on your ovaries.. it could be anything, better safe than sorry. Let us know how it goes


    IF you are having a pain that bad you really need to go to the doctor. Like ChildOfGod says it could be an ectopic pregnancy.
    Let us know how everything goes, ok?

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