Is this normal?

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      I got my last period on July 18th and my periods are almost normal and always regular. This month my period was no different, it lasted the usual 5 or so day but about a week after my period ended, i started spotting, but it was a watery spotting, very light in color on top of having menstrual cramps. Now the spotting is gone but I’m still having the cramps.
      I went to the doctors on 7/31 (14 days after my last period) and she had me take blood to see if i was pregnant and it turned out negative.

      Has anyone experienced this before? Any ideas?


        Hello there. I actually had no symptoms of pregnancy whatsoever and ended up with three negative tests. I just found out today that I am a month and a half along. You should wait until you miss your period and take a test.

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