is this normal?

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    well to start off, i’m pregnant but i uno if what i’m feeling is normal? first off, i’m around 3 months now and i still get periods? i suppose they aren’t your normal kind because they last for 1 day usually and they aren’t heavey at all and just end in a brownish color everytime. second of all, is it ok if you feel sick to your stomach but you never actually vomit? i feel like an idiot for asking all these questions because by now i should know enough about it? thought you awesome girls could help me out with my situation and the thing is nobody knows yet, family wise and to be completely honest my boyfriend knows but doesn’t want to talk about the topic. i am so scared to lose this baby its not even fit and i want to make sure everything is going the way it should be. i uno i have a bunch more questions just i doubt they are appropriate? oh is it ok to have sex while pregnant? i suppose it wouldn’t hurt but just making sure, i wanna do everything possible to make sure this baby will be ok 🙂 he/she is the only thing i have to look forward to 🙂
    much love,


    Hi Natasha, this is Vicki RN. Don’t think your questions are stupid, they’re very normal. Some women get "spotting" around the normal time they would start their periods, due to hormone fluctuations. It is normal for you…just be aware if it gets bright red and heavy to see your doctor right away. Some girls get nauseated but never throw up too…this is normal too. After a while the "morning sickness" may go completely away. This is also normal. Any other questions just drop me a line. hang in there and many blessings!B)

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