Is this labour?

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    So here is whats happening i’m 37 weeks pregnant…since last night i’ve been having bad cramps lower back pain and tightening of the stoumach…just recently tonite it feels like she is pushing down alot more…i;ve had this before been to the hospital and nothing(i hadn’t started dialating) so they sent me home…now i never had the feeling of the baby pushing down the way am i right now…what could this be…my water hasent broken..i feel uncomfertable:(..need some help from you moms out there that have been through something like this.


    i have been n been on both sides of the fence the side where i was going i to labor n the side where no you should call your doc n get your cervix checked to be for sure.


    The same thing happend to by brother’s wife (she is 16 and he is 19) she started having contractions a few days ago. She went to the doctor and he told her she had nothing to worry about until her water broke.


    OMG…wow are you serious? Thats how I feel. I get these really sharp and unbareable pains in my lower abdomen and sides. I can’t do anything, but cry and be still when it happens. And since earlier this morning I’ve been feeling, like alot of "pressure", like his head is pushing "down" ready to come out! I’m almost 7 months!!!!!!!!!:( I’ve talked to my doctor about it but he just says I’m stressed! I’m really getting scared now! I’ve been having some spotting when I go to the restroom. Do you think I’m going into labor?


    Undrea, you should always report any bleeding and make sure your doctor listens to your concerns properly, spotting cannot be caused by stress. If neccesary take someone else with you to back you up. Do not be fobbed off with that sort of response where the health of you and your child is concerned.


    Thanks Niam. I talked to my nurse about it, and she really didn’t know what it was exactly, bu she did say it sounded like I might be going into labor! My mom is trying to find me another doctor, just to be sure! But until then, these pains are really killing me! This morning I was an hour late for school because I couldn’t move without crying, and when I took my shower it took 39 minutes, rather than the usual 10! It hurt too bad to move or turn! 🙁

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