Hi my name is Sam. I am 19 years old and married. My LMP was May 27th and it is now July 05. For about 2 weeks I have had nausea if I don’t eat spicy foods, potatos, or something I am craving. I have been having cramps but not as strong as normal ones.I have been so tiered and normally I have a ton of energy. I get days where something just off the wall will make me mad and I can’t snap out of it(like PMS mood swings). I have also had brest tenderness and in the last day or so they seem like they have swelled a little. I didn’t get my period on June 27th(my cycle runs every 30 days). Then I started on July 2 but It only lasted 1 day then the next 2 days it was like a orangish dischargeand now nothing. I have taken 2 home tests that came back negative and I went to the doctor and he said it was negative. I know it is not because I have been stressing because either way this goes I will be happy. What do I do now? The doc told me to mabey wait a week then take another test does that sound like the smart thing to do?