Is there anyone else?

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    im laura
    im 15 years old and im 5 months pregnant
    i was just wondering if there was anyone else out there with the same situation as me?
    well my bf is allways there for me wen i need him and i luv him to bits. i am scared though of going into labor as i know it will hurt incredible amounts!!!!!!! is there anybody else teenager wise in the same sitch as me or anybody that can convince me i can do it?


    I"m not in the same situation as you, but i have been there. i was a mom for the first time at 17. A little older than you, but still young. You can do it. Labor is painful, but the pain will bring you your beautiful baby. And epidurals are GREAT. Don’t feel that you have to go all natural. Do what is best for your body and the baby. I hope you have strong support at home. It is definatly easier with it, and im glad your bf is there for you. It will be hard, you’ll lose some friends for the simple fact that you dont have much in common anymore. Youll be interested in what baby is doing and theyll want to talk about whose hot and whose not today. But you will also get closer to your best friends. They will stick by you and love that little baby with all theyve got. Try your hardest to get through school. You need it for you and your baby. It wont be easy, but i did it and other moms have to. And love your little one with all youve got. She is the best gift you will ever get. Take care.




    It’s normal to be scared! Just relax. You’ve still got four months left before THE BIG DAY!!! Do some research and make a birthing plan. That might help relax you. Decided what you are going to do. Who’s going to be in the room with you? Is your boyfriend going to cut cord? Are you going to have any pain medication? THose are things that go on your birth plan.
    If your scared about the pain get an epidural. Tell them you don’t want to see the needle though. My cousin just had her 3rd baby on saturday. She said the epidural was wonderful.
    If your scared to get the epidural all it feels like is burning when they numb it, but after that you can’t feel a thing and before you know it all your contrctions are gone. It’s a wonderful thing!!

    If you’ve made it this far you are obviously a very strong women. At 15 i can only imgaine the presure you must have been under when you found out you were pregnant. You are so brave. You can do this. I believe in you. And just think after all of it you get to see your precious little baby. You will fianlly get to hold that wonderfull creature that’s been dancing in your belly.
    If you ever need anyone to talk to, i’m here!


    hey im not in your situation but my sister is pregnant. she is 30 and this is her second child. she also is scared of labor. so your not alone on that. you are also not the only teenager who has gotten preg. try to make the best of the situation theirs nothing you can do now and remember God made a promas to us that he would never give us a heavier load than we could handle


    I m 15 and i have nvr have sex…but i dont know i have been missing periods (3 light ones lasting 1 day each) and i dont have any other symptoms like nausea or vomitting though i do have some gas in my chest and i keep burping…Why?Help please.


    I was kinda of in the same situation as you but I was 16 when I got pregnant. I was so freaked out. I didnt think that I would be able to handle a baby, with being in school still and being a teen. I was dealthy afraid to tell my mom, but when I did she made me feel alot better. She told me she would help me out, and that I would do just fine. My boyfriend was there for me also. When I went into labor I was sooo nervous and I cried. It was a long process-about 26 hours!!!! Contractions hurt the hell, all I have to say is get an epidural-they are awesome. Although my epidural did make me numb from the bellyu button down, so that sucked. When I finally had to push and stuff, I thought it would hurt so bad, but you get in moment and you dont realize the pain(especially with an epidural) but after that baby comes out, you realize all the pain was for a good thing. Now that I have a baby Im happy, I have someone to love and he loves me. I didnt think that i’d be able to do it, but I did. And im proud of myself! Good Luck, Hope this helped. I know you can do it. If you need to talk im here. 🙂

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