Is it sex?

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    My bf & I have been messing around undressed awhile now and he says it isnt sex, but I am not so sure & I REALLY need to know for sure.


    Messing around without your clothes on is close enough to sex and will eventually lead to sex so I would suggest not doing that anymore. How old are you…how old is he….do not let him take advantage of your body!!! If you play with fire you will get burned…messing around without your clothes on and touching eachother can still lead to pregnancy (bodily fluids coming in contact with your private areas!!) and even if it doesnt lead to pregnancy it will leave you feeling very empty and used in the end. Sticking your toes in the pool isnt called swimming but it is really easy to fall in if you are knocked off ballance, going in unprepared can cause you to drown!!!! Please be careful and walk away from this lifestyle while you still can…Love and Prayers…Meg


    If he is inserting his penis (even partially) into your vagina, then it is sex. I think that your uncertainty means that you and your bf should make sure that you are well educated on the subject before you continue to put yourself in this situation. Sex is a big deal and you each are equally responible for any consequences that could come of it. Just make sure that YOU know exactly what is going on and that you aren’t relying on someone else for your information, ok Sweetie? You can definitely ask me any more questions you may have.


    I am worried because I am late so if he’s like been in but saying hes not cumming could tyhat be sex and get me in trouble.

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