is it possible?

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    me and my boyfriend had unprotected sex the day before i went out of town for two months. my period was late but i still got my period so i assumed i was pregnant, even though my period didn’t last as long as it usually does. but for the past couple of weeks i’ve been feeling very tired and really worn out after exercise and thats not usual for me. last night i also felt nauseous and started to gag when i smelt seafood and thats really weird because i love seafood and thats never happened?? so what do you guys think. . .

    and i also had the worst headache in the world last night and i never get headaches!


    how heavy was ur period? what consistencey? if it was realy light it could be implantation blood and if it was realy dark and old looking it could be left over blood from previous period’s being pushed out of ur cervix by the baby.

    p.s. in order to talk out of the forums/blogs u have to go to applications and add the “wall”

    katiebuggs 13

    i would take a pg test if i was you


    okay ill add the wall application. and it was just a regular period, i was so excited that i wasnt pregnant that i didnt really pay attention, until all of this stuff started happening.

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