Is it possible?

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  • #11520

    [b]Is it possible that you can get pregnant without actually having intercourse? My boyfriend & I decided that I worry too much to have sex, so we just "mess around". Well, one day he had on his boxers, and he was acting like he was going to put it in. But I have heard sperm can travel through clothes, and I have heard it can’t.
    -Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!-[/b]


    nope i have neva heard of that


    certainly aint possible, The sperm he had on his boxers would be Pre Cum, in other words contain the tiniest amount of sperm, it wouldnt have survived on his boxers and it would of had to be inserted fully into your vagina to become pregnant, im %100 positive you arent pregnant x


    its possible to get pregnant off any amount of sperm but traveing through clothes isnt going to happen. but it does not have to be fully inserted into you to get pregnant by any means. inside at all is enough just so ya know girlie! if you worry so much about sex then i think you should try birth control. good luck!


    Well,really I cant tell u if is possible or not cause i didnt heard of that before.I think It Is possible to get pregnant if u have contact with sperm and ovulating but if u r relly exposed to the sperm even thou u didnt have the intercourse.That case can be possible in certain way but is very weird cause sperm lives 48hours if the atmosphere is warm …so if u think u re pregnant bcause of that give it time and later take the test ,u never know .In the meantime just stay calm.;)

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