Is it normal??

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    So as a lot of people know, I was pregnant around xmas last year then lost my baby at 11weeks. Shortly after I started to have fair regular periods. They started off 1week, then went to 2, then 3, I could cope with that because I wasnt doing much and it wasnt heavy, it was really light. But now, I have been on my period for a month now and I’m not sure if its normal. I’m getting kind of worried now as I dont know what I can do to stop it and if it is normal. If anyone has any advice could you please tell me.

    Thank you,

    Courtney xxx


    hey sweetie,
    what were your periods like before? its not normal to go a whole month on your period no.. you should see your dr. xo


    It’s the same for me. I’ve missed my Feb & June periods altogether, and my cycle is FINALLY settling back to normal now. The hormones form the pregnancy can make your cycles screwy, and having a miscarriage will do it as well. 🙂


    They was regular and a normal flow but for some reason they just went sky high and lasted ages. I finally came off that period after 6 weeks I think it was. Kind of glad as I just felt so down and everything.

    Thank you. Well when I lost my baby the nurses never said anything like that so when it happened I kinda freaked a bit and was like ohh my ohh my, what’s happening kinda thing. Glad I’m off now tho and that I know after mc or pregnancy your cycles can be funny, Thank you MommaBearMegan.

    Thank you both xxx

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