Hey Girl!
Yes, it is normal. You are feeling a heavy burden and it is totally normal.
Although I have not had an abortion (almost did…) my second daughter was stillborn -meaning she died in my womb when she was full term-. I too struggled with wanting another baby right away.
Even if you had always planned on aborting your baby, your body was still preparing for it to be born. So you had increased hormones and things that now have nothing to prepare for.
That, on top of the mental reality of what you did I’m sure is making your head spin.
It is not a good idea to go out and try to get pregnant again to help ease the pain of your suffereing. No matter what, it will never bring your other child back, in fact, it can be quite a heavy load mentally.
Although my situation was different, being pregnant again after a loss is very difficult. It’s not all rosey and cheeky like you think it might be.