in serious need of help!!!

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    i am so worried it has been ages since i have had my lat period now. i took a hpt and it came out negative but i still havent come on my period, i have had really bad lower back pain, small pains in my lower tummy, heavier discharge, feeling sick and dizzy and plenty of headaches and needing to go to the loo quite a lot! i am so scared to take another test for whicheer way it turns out cos if its positive i dont knw how my boyfriend will cope with being a daddy so young and if its not i dont know how i will feel cos i feel pregnant but i am gonna feel almost let down if im not i have been searching the net for prams and all sorts cos i jt have a feeling!!! =[ help!!


    Ok, well, I think that you need to go to the doctor and get a blood test done. That will let you know for sure whether you are or not.
    I am really glad that it sounds like if you ARE pregnant you are going to keep the baby. That is the best choice.
    So, either take another test or go get a blood test. Not knowing is far worse than knowing either way. Really. Make sure to let us know when you find out!


    hey, its better that u find out 4sur rather then living in a world of uncertainty… u cud get anada hpt in a week or so time or go 4 a scan at d doc, u seem to have the symptoms but sum of them cud also be due to the late period, but u wont know what it is till u find out 4sur if ur preg or not… it will all be ok

    keep us updated when u find out, good luck


    well it turns out im not pregnant which is kind of a relief as me & my boyfriend have just split up because he was beginning to get violent towards me & brining a baby up in that envirmoent wouldnt of been safe!!! there is alays the future to be a mum =]


    thanks for updating us! 🙂

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